Chapter 4 <3

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We were just standing by the entrance and waiting for Selena to meet up with us when Taylor all of s sudden picked me up from behind and sat me down on the nearest couch.

I shot a glare at him as if asking him why on earth he had just done that.

"Oh... Well since Selena hadn't come yet and I could't see her, I tho

ught that we might as well just sit down while we wait. And plus I wanted to do this.. " Taylor said, breaking off midsentence and put his hand on my face and crushed his lips onto mine. I quickly kissed him back, with a smile creeping underneath the kiss.

I know I said I wasn't going to get involved with a guy now, but I honestly couldn't resist to tell him how I felt when he told me that he liked me. And plus, who would say no to frikken Taylor Lautner??

And he is Selena's ex.. but I hope that she will be happy for me anyway. She did break up with him, not the other way around. And she is fooling around with Justin, my cousin. She never even told me that she liked him, but I'm fine with it really. She's happy now, that's all that matters.

--- Selena's POV ---

Me and Justin were just walking towards the entrance to meet up with Candice when I spotted her sitting on a couch making out with a guy.

No..wait, not just a guy, she was making out with my ex, Taylor Lautner. Don't get me wrong, I really like Justin and I'm not mad at Candy, I just got alittle surprised. I knew they were good friends and all. I just didn't know they were THAT close! And she didn't tell me? Why?

I abrubtly remembered my secret relathionship with Justin and realized I really wasn't the right person to judge. A wawe of shame shot through my body.

A/N: Vomment plz guys.. ( Vomment means Vote and Comment)

Did I just get mad at my best friend (She doesn't know Ashley in this story) for doing the exact same thing as me? Yeah, I guess I did.

Candice obviously wasn't kissing Taylor anymore because she was sitting at the couch with a terrified look on her face looking in my direction.

She was probably scared that I was pissed off on her, so I walked over to her and hugged her before sweetly greeting Taylor. He quickly answered with a simple "hi" and looked away again.

"So, ready to go?" I asked Candice.

"Yeah. Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" She nervously replied.

"" I said while pointing a finger at Taylor, and she blushed bright red.

"Oh, yeah. I see. Let's go Sel" She said. "Wait.. JUSTIN??? What the hell are you doing here? You travel all the way down here without telling me?? "

I turned around to find a very embarresed Justin. He obviosly hadn't told her he was staying here in L.A. for a good two weeks.

"You just went here to meet Selena?? And you couldn't even take the time to tell me that you were in L.A.?? That honestly wouldn't be the hardest thing to do would it? I understand that you missed your girlfriend and all that. But telling your cousin that you're in town would be quite normal, right? " Candice said, while choking on her tears and walking up to Taylor and put his arms around her.

"You didn't tell her you were here??" was all I managed to choke out.

When Justin didn't answer I just shot him a big fat glare. It seemed like he finally understood I was talking to him, because he said this:

"It was suppoused to be a surprise. I wanted to just meet her. And I wanted to tell her about us, which I guess you already have done"

"What? No! What are you talking about Justin? I didn't tell her! "

"Well.. she called you my girlfriend! And I guess it isn't really that hard to understand it anyway because we just walked up to her together in a club, and earlier we have looked at eachother and everything!"

"Well. I guess you're right, but let's talk about that later. Now I think me and Candy are gonna go home, and you can go to your hotel and we'll meet later. ok?"

"Ok sellyboo. See ya"

Justin kissed my cheek before walking out of the club.

I turned to Candice and hugged her again.

"I'm sorry about that honey. Let's just go home."

She nodded and kissed Taylor quickly before walking with me out of the club.

We got in a cab and was on our way home and pretty much stayed silent the entire way.

I guessed she didn't want to talk about it in the cab, so I waited until we were in the house before I started asking her questions.

I never really got the chance to ask her anything because she just ran off to her room looking quite sad.

A/N: Sorry the chappie is soo short.. Just a filler... :) Vomment ppl! ( Vote and Comment)

Why do you love me? -a teenage pregnancy (Taylor Lautner lovestory) -Done-Where stories live. Discover now