Chapter 10 <3

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--At Candice’s house two and a half months later--

I was lying on the couch having a nice little nap after a long and exhausting day when the doorbell rang. I slowly got to my feet and walked towards the door rubbing my sore back.

Man.. I’m only 22 weeks pregnant and I’m already having problems walking? God, how are things going to work out for me? It’s  gonna be about 10 weeks until my lovely girls are coming into this world now.. and my back and feet are hurting soo bad already! I don't even want to imagine how awful it's gonna get later on..

When I slowly openened the door I was quickly dragged into a bone-crushing hug that made me wince and wiggle out of as soon as possible. I promise you that would have hurt normally, but with a humoungous pregnant belly it hurts alot more.

"Ow!!! What was that for??" I snapped rubbing my belly and feeling a slight kick from one of the girls.

"Oh my god, Candice! I forgot you're this far along now! I'm so so sorry!" Justin said with an absolutely adorable look on his face.

I just laughed at him and pulled him into a light hug telling him it was fine. And dragged him into the livingroom before making him sit down on the couch and plopping down lightly next to him.

We just stayed like this for a few hours talking about the girls and how things were working out with me and Taylor and we actually started talking about Stratford, and how we missed being there. We started talking about our old classmates, and how me and Chaz never got along.. and me and Ryan was best friends. And with best friends I mean BEST friends, we did everything together, and when someone else  tried to talk to any of us while we were talking to eachother we both freaked out and walked away from the person.. which is kinda wierd concidering we were only 10 years old at the time.. but we just liked eachother alot.

I Actually had a crush on him from the age of 6 to 10.. but I never told him.. didn't have the guts I guess, but I did tell Justin though, and he was just totally chill about it. He only told me that I should do what I felt like doing with it and see where that'd take me.

And that's pretty much how my entire day passed, talking to Justin about Stratford and stuff. But when Taylor came home he left to give us some time to talk.

Oh.. yeah I forgot to tell you that.. He's moved in with me and my parents now. And we are great, I absolutely love him more than ever.. :)

And right now we're working on the childrens room. I love picking out all the stuff for them, mainly because it's all so sweet and well.. PINK! I am really glad I'm having girls. I think that when you're 16 and pregnant the best thing you can get is girls.. because you relate to them much easier.. and you get the priviledge of picking out all those adorable stuff.. I know I'm going to have a great time with them when they are finally born.

I actually can't wait to become a mom, even though I'm going to have to do a shitload of interwievs about the pregnancy and me and Taylor..

Why do you love me? -a teenage pregnancy (Taylor Lautner lovestory) -Done-Where stories live. Discover now