Chapter 6 <3

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When I pulled into the parking lot of the women's clininc I spotted a bunch of paparazzis sitting in their cars already snapping photos of me to probably ship off to some stupid gossip magazine or maybe to something even worse; some website..

The minute I stopped the engine of my car I pulled my purse infront of my face to try and cover up my face so that they at least wouldn't get any better pictures of me here outside the clinic.

I could already imagine all the different head-lines of the atricles. They were all like: "You preggo Candice?", "Seems like you weren't careful enough while having your fun Candice!" and " 16 and pregnant? Wow.. What a cliché!"

I didn't really care too much about it really. It would come out sometime anyway right? I mean, being Selena Gomes's BFF and Justin Bieber's cousin and having the same surname as him didn't nessecearilly mean any Privacy from the stupid paparazzi.

And I was also in the studio from time to time recording new songs for my cd that I would publish as soon as Scooter was happy with it. yeah, I have Scooter as my recording manager as Well. My dad wanted it to be that way since he already felt like he knew the man.

So some people already knew me for who I was, not as Justin's cousin and Selena's BFF, but as Candice Marie Bieber the girl who wrote her own hopeless romantic lovesongs and actually helped Selena writing her songs all the way through her music career.

I plumped down on a chair in the waiting room and tried to blend into the crowd and act just like everyone alse were doing when I noticed a small girl sitting next to her mother and staring at me. Suddenly she dragged on her mom's jacket sleeve and pointed at me while saying. "Look mommy. That's Justin Bieber's cousin!!! Can I go over to her mommy?? Pweease??"

"Oh. Yes I suppouse you can honey. But don't bug her, just go over and be Nice to her. I'm sure she'll Think it's okay." her mother said while glancing over at me with an apologetic look on her face.

I francly just got happy and abit overwhelmed whenever someone recognized me in public. I just mouthed "it's ok" and smiled.

"Can I have your autograph?" the little girl asked while tapping me on my shoulder holding out a paper and a pen towards me.

"Oh, of course honey. What's your name sweetie?" I asked trying to sound casual while grabbing a hold of the pen and paper and tapping on my lap signalling for her to climb up on my lap. After standing still for a few moments taken abit aback by my sudden gesture she gli bed up on my lap and told me her name was Marie.

" Is your name Marie sweetie? What a coincidence. That's my middle name!" I pointed out. She just sat there while nodding with a big smile widening across her face.

"I knew that. I knew that your middle name was Marie, just like Selena Gomez!" she squealed.

"Yes, just like Selena." I stated.

"Does she Think that it's funny you havethe same middle name Candice?" little Marie asked.

"Oh. Well.. Yea I suppouse she does." I answered quickly while shifting the weight of the little girl on my lap.

"Can you write the autograph for me? Mommy told me not to bug you, so I Think I should go back to her now.." Marie said quietly while looking up at my face.

"Oh, yeah. Of course sweetie." I answered quickly while scribbling down a few words along with my autograph before handing it over to the little girl and lufting her off my lap.

"Dear Marie,

how truly fun it is to meet a fan who has the same name as me.

-Love Candice Marie Bieber" she read out from the little note I'd just handed her.

Why do you love me? -a teenage pregnancy (Taylor Lautner lovestory) -Done-Where stories live. Discover now