Chapter 8 <3

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I decided to call Taylor over to tell him the entire story, and I hoped he would stay with me. I know I've only been his girlfriend for like two days, but I need to tell him about it, he deserves to know. I don't have any idea how his reaction Will be, but I'm hoping for the one that's abit impossible. I hope that he'll stay with me and help me through this twin-pregnancy and support me until they Are born.

Before I called Taylor over of course I asked Selena if she was okay with him being here, and she said that it was all okay between them so I could call him over and tell him all about it.

When I called Taylor and simply told him to come over to Selena's house because I needed to tell him about something he immediately asked if I was going to break up with him - and I almost started laughing at how nervous he sounded - but I just told him that I was not going to break up with him, I just had to tell him something.

I couldn't tell him how serious what I was going to tell him was, because than he'd never Get in his car and drive here... I needed to tell him, and he needed to hear it.

Taylor didn't even have the guts to walk up to the front door and knock -because he was afraid that it might be Selena or Justin opening the door and he didn't dare to face them, not yet - so he called me instead and waited infront of the door until I came down and opened it for him.

The second I twisted the doorknob around and opened the door he flung himself at me and embraced me in a big tight hug. He said it was because he was nervous for what I was going to tell him and that he'd missed me.

I only laughed at him, because he was extremely cute while running towards me and lifting me up in his arms and because we'd met yesterday, it wasn't really that long time concidering that we wouldbe apart for quite long whenever he started shooting for a new movie, and I had school and The album I was still in the studio recording...

So I wouldn't really call one day long enough to miss someone THAT much, but if this was how he was after only one day, I can't Even imagine how adorable he'll Get when we've been away From eachother for a few weeks due to our hectic lives.

And when he apparently was done hugging me and had released his tight embrace he pulled me towards him again and kissed me passionately. I was quite surprised by his sudden closeness, but I managed to Get myself together enough to kiss him back in the ending of the kiss, right before he pulled away.

I was abit startled when I heard a very familiar voice speaking up behind me, Selena had obviously found this to be the perfect time to come down and greet Taylor just because he was so nervous to see her again. And the fact that she broke his heart into teeny tiny little pieces doesn't seem to be one of her clearest memories...

"You two are soo cute together! Aww.. Wayy cuter than we were Taylor!" Selena said almost shrieking like a little girl.

Sure, if the guy who's arms were wrapped around me weren't her ex-boyfriend who she had broken up with and crushed his heart than this would be a totally normal thing, but it is a slight bit wierd concidering how it was between her and Taylor.. Or at least how it was for Taylor...

"Yeah, I'm sure we Are Selena" I replied while loosening Taylor's grip on my body and started pulling him up the staircase.

Selena could be so strange at times. But I really didn't Think she'd be like this! I thought she'd let me be alone with him, Even though he's her ex..

Up in my room I'd Gotten Taylor to sit down on my bed and I had crawled up onto his lap and he had put his arms around me and was rubbing my back.

"So, what was it that you needed to tell me Candice? Or did you just want to see me again?" Taylor asked while bending down to kiss my forehead and stroke away some hair that had fallen into my face.

"Well, I wanted to see you again, of course I did.. But I do have something I need to tell you." I replied quickly while putting a finger on his lips signalling for him to be quiet.

" It all started 10 weeks ago, when I was raped on my way home from a friend' s house. We never found out who the man was, Even though he had left marks on my body. So after that I started to Get help at a women's clinic where they checked out everything and said it was all fine, I had Gotten a few marks and wounds, but everything worked like it should. And a few weeks ago I started to throw up when I woke up, and my mood changed alot, and I took a pregnancy test just to check, and it came back positive. Of course I knew that they don't always have the right result, so I scheduled an appointment with my doctor at the clinic to Get a real pregnancy test done. I went to the clinic yesterday to Get the results back, and the test was positive, I was pregnannt. But that isn't Even the worst part.. I am pregnant with twins. And my raper is the father..," I explained breaking out into tears as I spoke.

"You-you're pregnant??" Taylor managed to choke out.

"Yes," I answered.

"How far along Are you? When's you're due?" He asked.

"I'm 10 weeks along and I'm not sure when my due is yet.." I replied quickly.

"Are you going to uh..Uhm have an abortion or Are you going to proceed with this pregnancy and bring them up?" He asked while shifting the weight of me over to his other leg and stroking my back.

"I'm not going to have an abortion, I can't stand the thought of killing them even though I don't have the faintest idea who their father is. So I'm going to be a single mom at the age of 17." I said.

I was just about to bring up a hand to my face to wipe my tears away when Taylor raised a hand and stroked my tears away, while caressing my cheek and looking at my face.

"No, you're not going to be a single mom Candice," Taylor whispered.

"W-What??" I asked in a confused tone, not being able to make any sense of what he just said.

"I'm going to bring them up with you. Well, if you let me," He explained

"B-but why?" I asked

"Because your daughters are going to need a father figure, and I'm not going to leave you now when I've finally got you. I have waited so long for this to happen, and I'm not willing to lose you already. I-I want to be with you for as long as I can, and if that involves becoming your daughters step-dad that's a step I'm willing to take." he explained

"I can't believe you just said that. I-I thought you'd break up with me when you found out that I'm pregnant, and the father is a complete stranger. And here you're telling me that you want to become their father? I honestly don't know what to say." I said.

"Well, I just need to ask you.. Do you want me to be their father? I know it sounds strange that I'm asking you to let me become their dad, and I know it's a big step to take, but I-I'm hopelessly in love with you and I want to be with you, even though I know they won't be my real daughters I will love them just like they were, and I'm completely sure of that. I want to be with you," he asked/Said

"Yes, yes Taylor I do want you to be their father, it's just that.. How are we suppoused to make that work? You have your acting career, and I have school and the album.. And you're a celebrity Taylor.. Have you thought about how many rumors and ugly things will be spread about you, because I'm pregnant? Have you thought about how this will turn your life upside-down?"

I pointed out.

"We'll get a place to live, or live with your parents if you prefer to have your mom around to help you. And when they're born I'll stay with you to help with them, and we Will have to do some interwiews about it, I already know that. But I don't care if they think the twins Are mine, or whatever theory that might pop into their heads. I want us to be a family, Us and them. No matter what." he said pulling me into his arms giving me a big tight hug that I retur ed by wrapping my arms around his big, firm chest and resting my head on his shoulder.

"I-I can't believe I have you as my boyfriend Taylor. You-you're amazing! I'm so lucky to have you! How many other 18 year old boys would out of their own will take the role as a dad to his girlfriend's unborn children? I asked meanwhile I tilted my head up to look at his beautiful face. Wierd words to describe a boy? Maybe, but that's what his face is, his face is beautiful.

"Probably not too many.. But I'm the lucky one Muffin, I have you!" He said before leaning down and crushing his lips onto mine

Why do you love me? -a teenage pregnancy (Taylor Lautner lovestory) -Done-Where stories live. Discover now