[1] Fight Gone Wrong

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If I get 1000 followers I'll make this an actually good book lmaooo

Rim woke up to her normal beeping of her alarm, Imidately glared up at her ceiling a bit. "I feel like I just went to bed..." She muttered stood up. She got dressed in some white skinny jeans and a baby blue crop top. Her family awaited her down stairs.

"Hey mom, Dad." She smiled and sat at the table for some pancakes. "Good morning Sweetie." Her mothers beautiful voice sang.

Rims father wasn't really pleased at her daughter. In his eyes she was unworthy of caring the blood of the clan. Why you may ask.... Well she isn't the most gifted shinobi. She lacked their kekkei genkai too. Rims mother placed a stack of buttered pancaked on the table. They all ate silently and then Rim was off to training.

Rims pov.

My father will never be pleased of me. Oh well. I walked to the training grounds and found my team. Kakashi sensai. Naruto. Saukra. And Sasuke the emo duckbutt, today he looked exceptionally bored.

"You're late." Sasuke said not even bothering to look up to me. "Well you're early." I shot back at the Sasgay. It was clear Sasuke and Naruto took a liking to me. Sakura... Not so much. I ran my fingers through my thick black hair, god its so tangled...

I glanced over at Kakashi sensei.
"So what are we up to today Sensei." I asked, not that it mattered I'll still suck. "Good question. We are all working on our weakness." He said he held his peverted book in his hands.

"Read a chapter, I want to know what intrests you." I said as I stood beside him with a smirk. "Wouldn't you like to know." he said putting his book in his pocket. I rolled my eyes. He didnt have to always act sooo mysterious, maybe If I stole his book and read it we could have some common ground. As if he could read my throughts he glared intensely at me. I shivered and quickly turned away. Anywaysss maybe not the wisest idea.

"Now students. Sasuke and Naruto will have to battle each other, Sakura you observe and give each one of them tactics depending on their skill. And Rim already got that down so she will.... Have a one on one battle with me."

The others looked at me.
"Kakashi sensei don't you think that a little hard on Rim?" Sakura said looking at me. I want to bash Sakura's head into that huge rock behind her. "No, but, Sasuke and Naruto you up to the task?" Kakashi asked. "Bring it on!" shouted Naruto. "Should be easy." muttered Sasuke.

"Oh one more thing. Sasuke, Naruto be sure to waist all your chakra before you begin." Kakashi said smirking. They frowned. "How do we manage that!" Naruto exclaimed. Kakashi smirked. "Find a way." Before taking my hand. His grip feels warm... Kakashi guided me into an open area away from the rest. The hot afternoon sun raining down on my back, perfect. Now I'm going to be bloody and sweaty, at least I'm not on my period.

"Kakashi you know I could never bring down Sakura. What makes you think I could even stand a chance against you." I asked as I took my place a few yards infront of him.

"Don't think like that. I've know your father for some time, I realized he puts down a lot of pressure on you. I'm suprised your still even a ninja. Now you have all this negative energy in you." Kakashi turned around and looked at me. We were now in an open area away from the others.

"I guess..." I mumbled under my breath. My father just knows what I am capable of... nothing. "Lets start, I'll be playing defensive." Kakashi said taking out his book to read. I sighed. There's no way I could take him down. I looked at myself. And over to him. The gap in power is unrealistic. Its like Kakashi is a wolf and I am a sheep... No the gap is greater, I am the grass the sheep eats.

Here goes nothing. I raised a kunai to my side. "Here I come." I attacked him from the side, he didn't so much as looked at me. Pain pulsed into my torso. He kicked my body before I even relised I felt a bigger pain knock upside my head. He kicked me into a tree.... fuck...

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