[2] Caught!

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Rims defeat of Kakashi spread like wildfire around the village. And Rim just kept to herself. Her father tried to open up to her but she refused it saying he should have before she got her Kekkei Genkai.

Rims pov.

I walked out the door. It was around midnight. I wore my huge coat that went to my knees. Its been a month since I hospitalised Kakashi. Its been a month since everything has changed. I've moved out of my clans quarters; into my little house. I've gotten a part time job. To keep things up and spoil myself a little. Life is good! Kinda...

I walked up into the pole dancing club (where I worked) "Hello Miss Kuchiki." The security guard said, He happened to be my favorite security guard.
I' give him a kiss every time I come for work. "Hey Jimmy." I skipped the line for the door and kissed his cheek. He then opened the door for me. And I walked in. It smelt like a mix between sweet perfume and alcohol, the normal mix.

I walked into the back where we get ready for our work. Suddenly the manager bust in, She is not a stripper but she manages our schedule. "Miss Kuchiki you're on table three tonight." She said flashing a warm smile to me.
"Thanks Snowy." I dropped my coat and then rubbed myself with lube to make myself shiny, Yet it feels like butter, sticky but it will dry. Then I walked over to the costumes. I heard the theme today was animals. I look at the chart to see that the others this shift would be wearing.

Brianna _ Mouse
Alex_ Lion
Brisa_ White cat
Lily_ snake
Gila_ puppy

Avalable :
Black cat

I think ill go with A black cat

I think ill go with A black cat

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I put on the costume and fixed my black hair and put in some blue contacts. I look good... As I viewed myself.... Finally im ready. It was 12:10 time for my shift. I passed the drunk people and ignored all the whistles they gave.

I walked over to table three and oh shit.... Is that. That is... isn't he supposed to be hospitalized. I used transformation jutsu to change my hair color from black to Blonde, nice. I have my blue contacts in... They shouldn't notice me.

Kakashi, Gai, Jairya, Asuma, and Iruka were at the table drink in there hands. I walked up to the table. And let out a soft pur. "Tonight I'll be your entertainier." I said gaining eyes from the men. I'm 16 so I guess it's okay.

"With your youthfulness I think we will be okay." Gai winked. The guys smiled as I got on top the table and spinned around the pole swaying my hips. "I would tap that." Said Iruka downing half his drink.

In my mind I was trying not to die from embarrassment. The guy who taught me in the academy said this about me me....

Asuma the asked. "How much for a lap dance sweetie." I looked at Asuma in disbelief, careful not to show it on my face.

"A lap dance from me is unavailable but if you go to the bar they can arrange you a private room with a dancer of your choice." I explained, sitting on the edge of the table with one finger lifting his chin up.

"That a shame I wanted one from you little kitten." Asuma grinned. His breath stinks... I got back to twirling around the pool.

"Well that's too bad." I said swaying my hips a little bit. And then I noticed Kakashi. His eyes were glued on me.

"Hey you look familiar. Have we met?" he asked grabbing my hand stopping me from dancing... "Now that you mention it she does." Iruka said. "I don't think so. Unless you have been here before." I said nervously. He nodded and let go of my hand.
"Yeah I think thats it..." Kakashi said as he ruffled his hair.

"Sorry about Kakashi here he just got out of the hospital a few hours ago. His mind is still kinda fried from painkillers... Not to mention the alcohol." Gai said giving a thumbs up.

"Sorry to hear that." I said looking a little sad. Why do I feel this pounding guilt? Well obviously because I caused it!

Jairya came back from the bathroom and sat down. "Well what do we have here...." He said scanning me head to toe. "Shes an excellent dancer." Said Iruka. "And very youthful." Gai added.

Jairya reaked of alcohol. He got onto the table with me and started dancing. It was alright people did this all the time as long as they didn't touch the dancer to an extent.

Jairya slapped my ass leaving a mark and said, "What an ass" as he grinded against me as a danced my hip into his leg I danced beside him as he did a little jig too. You could see his great length as it dug into my hip.

"Kitten you sure to look familiar... I maybe spyed on you in the hot springs or something." He said laughing
"Hey Jairya get off we don't wanta see you dance go get a room." Iruka complained.

"Good idea... I need to do research." He gave off a perverted smirk as he jumped off. "Later kitten." He said waving goodbye. Him and Asuma left to the private rooms. Gai, Iruka, and Kakashi were left. Finally Brisa showed up by the table. "I'm hear to give you a break. " She said with a flick in her voice.

"Thanks Brisa." I said as I let of a smile. Ass soon as I got off the table I noticed the bulges I left in the men. Ew my sensei got hard for me. But Kakashi's... Thats kinda hot.

"Anytime Rim." she said.
The men the looked over at me

"WAIT RIM?" They yelled. "Fuck."

*beatdrops* Run.

I ran to the backroom before something started. I just got caught dancing underage and in front of my teacher, wait no worse, my teachers. I quickly replaced the lube on my skin shinning myself up. And then used the restroom and fixed up my makeup. So I replaced it. Am I ready to confront them again? No. Am I getting paid to do this. Yes.

I awkwardly walked out and saw they were gone. I was some what relieved but it left me in some state of shock. I danced in front of my sensei my old sensei and Gai, a pervert in a green suit!


Word count ~ 1123

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