The cabin

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Scott POV

This is great! The rest of Pentatonix and I along with some of the crew are going to be taking a little break from tour and spending about a month at this cabin I rented. This is going to be very fun!

"Hey guys I have some news!" I burst into the tour bus excitedly.

They all just looked at me confused. They think we are getting ready for a tour our manager suddenly booked. They weren't very happy about that, but once they figure out what I was up to they'll perk up.

"Well, spit it out." Avi said.

"We are not going on tour. We are in fact going to be spending about a month at this cabin I rented!" I smiled.

"That sounds fun!!" Kirstie and Mitch exclaimed.

"Yeah, it does." Kevin and Avi both said.

"Cool, well are we all pretty much packed?"

"Yeah." They all replied.

"Then lets get this show on the road!" I said.

We all continued loading our bags, and I glanced over towards Kirstie. She was having Avi help her load her things. She told me and Mitch awhile back that she had a pretty big crush on him, but she wasn't going to try anything because she didn't want to risk their friendship or the group relationship. I wonder if she still likes him? I snapped out of my thoughts once Esther and Ryan came in the truck with all the equipment and food they went to pick up.

"Hey! You guys come help me!!" Esther screamed.

Withen seconds Avi and Kevin bolted by me to go help. Esther and Ryan started pulling out fishing rods, tackle boxes, foldable chairs, anything you could name for a sceneario like this. She began pileing everything onto Avi and Kev telling them to start putting it under the bus. While they were doing that I walked to Kirstie and Mitch and decided to ask her if she still had feelings for Avi.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey." They both smiled.

"I'm really excited for this!" Kirstie said jumping up and down.

"Yes. Mama is very excited." Mitch said, and Kirstie and I just laughed.

"Hey Kirst, I was wondering. Do you still like Avi?"

"Uh...what?.... I....erm... Coming Esther!" She blushed and ran over to the truck.

"I'm going to take that as a yes." I said to Mitch.

"Haha yeah. Earlier when we were loading they were flirting and it. was. GROSS." He said rolling his eyes.

"Wait. He likes her back?" I asked.

"It's obvious! Have you not noticed?" He asked shocked.

"I'll be honest with you, I haven't paid any attention." I laughed.

We both looked over to the truck and they were still unloading.

"Oh my god. There they go again." Mitch said annoyed.

I looked and saw what he was talking about. Avi kept poking her sides causing her to squeal, and he would just stand there with a smirk on his face.

"They would be so cute! How is that gross?" I asked Mitch.

"They would be cute! But goodness, take that somewhere else."

We both laughed and walked over to the truck to help finish unloading.

AN: Heyyyyy guys!! Another kavi story! Hope y'all like it. Let me know what you think! :)

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