Chapter 15

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Scott POV

Oh my god. Avi's face was PRICELESS. Our excuse was that we ran back to the cabin real quick to get everyone swimming clothes to swim in the lake, and they looked content so we just got stuff for them.

"Hey where are y'all going?!" I screamed at them.

They looked so confused. It was hilarious! I gathered the stuff we got for them which consisted of swimming trunks for Avi and a bikini for Kirst.

"Here. Y'all go change at that resting post over there. We're going swimming!!" I said throwing the clothes at them.

"Wait, so wh-" Avi started, but I cut him off.

"Goooooo!" I said pushing them towards the direction they needed to go. This is going to be fun.

Kirstie POV

Oh just great! I bet Scott is trying to get us together. He needs to just bud out!! I can handle this by myself!!

"I uh.... Think this is yours..." Avi said awkwardly holding my bathing suit.

"Oh.... Yeah, thanks.." I said and awkwardly took it from him. Did I mention this was awkward.

We walked in silence to the rest stop which had two bathrooms. Avi went to the boys and I walked into the girls. I looked at what Scott or Mitch or maybe Esther, who ever picked this out for me! Great, just the one I didn't want them to get. UGH, WHY DO THEY HATE ME?! I sucked it up and put it on, but I'm going to put my other clothes on over it. I don't want Avi to see me with just that. He'll definatly not like me then. I don't even know why Scott thinks he likes me back, I mean look at me!! I looked at myself in the mirror pointing out my every flaw.

"Why would he love someone like me?" I whispered to myself. I felt tears well up in my eyes, and was about to cry until I heard Avi outside.

"Kirstie, you ready?" He asked.

"Yeah, coming." I choked out trying not to make it noticable.

I got my other clothes on and walked outside. He was leaning against the wall waiting for me with his other shorts in his hand, and I walked over to him.

"Ready?" I asked, my voice still a little shaky. I hope he doesn't notice.

"Yeah..." He says.

I quickly turn around and start walking back. Maybe he didn't notice, he would have stopped me if he did.

"Hey.." I hear him say behind me.

"Yeah?" I reply, but keep walking.

"Hold on." He says and stops walking.

I hesitantly stop and turn around. Great, he probably noticed! Just what I need.

"What's wrong?" He asked stepping closer.

"What? Nothing. Nothing at all." I said trying to avoid eye contact.

"Something's bothering you Kirstie. I'm not stupid."

"Nothing's wrong, Avi! I already told you!" I averted my eyes again.

"Okay, then look at me."

I continued to look at the ground, and I could feel tears start to form in my eyes again. Damn it! No, go away!


I still look at the ground choking back the tears before I look up. If I look at him with tears in my eyes he'll definatly know something's up, and I might have to tell him. Finally, I get my emotions under control and in order.

"Kirstie, please look at me." He pleads.

I finally look up at him, and his eyes are filled with concern. It makes me feel like he actually cares about me. He grabs my hand and looks me in the eyes and says,

"Look me in the eye and tell me you're fine."

There was a short silence until I finally responded.

"I can't do that."

Great, now I'm definatly going to have tell him! I couldn't lie to him though. All he's trying to do is help, but little does he know that the reason I'm so confused is BECAUSE OF HIM! Ugh, why is love confusing?

"Then what's the matter?" He asked tightening his grip on my hand slightly.

I sigh.

"We'll talk about it later. I promise. Okay?"



He releases his hand from mine and holds up his pinkie and lifts his eyebrow. I intertwine his pinkie with mine and laugh.

"You're such a kid." I smile.

"You can't break a pinkie promise." He said seriously. I got kind of scared at how serious he was being, but then he smiled and released my pinkie.

"Try and have fun, okay?" He said and pulled me into a hug.

I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, and as did his arm around my shoulders.

"Okay." I mumbled into his chest.

"Alright, then lets go!" He said pulling me along.

AN: So basically y'all make my day 38352 times better with your comments, thank you guys so much. I can't say that enough <3 so here's another chapter for y'all! Thanks for reading and voting! :) <3

*blows kiss*

Gooood byeeeeeeee

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