Chapter 7

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Mitch POV

We were all sitting in the living room talking, waiting for Avi and Kirstie to come down. We were busy talking until we heard a thud from the top of the stairs. We all turned around to see Avi and Kirstie finally making their way down the stairs, but Kirstie must have slipped because she was gripping the railing and Avi had ahold of her free hand and his other was around her...... waist. I nudged Scott and pointed it out to him. He then made it known to the others. We exchanged looks and decided to keep our mouths shut... for now.

"Ohmygod, I'm so clumsy. Thanks Avi." Kirstie said.

They made their way down and joined us.

"Nice of y'all to join." I said.

"Nice to be here." Avi said obviously mocking me.

"Ooo sassy!" I said throwing my hands up.

He just laughed and shook his head.

"So Scott, what's the agenda for today." I said turning to face him.

"Well I was thinking we could just go for a hike today, and get a lay of the land. Ya know?"

"That sounds fun! I'll go pack some snack bags and we can be on our way." Esther said walking into the kitchen.

Typical Esther. Making sure we have food and are feeling well. She's definately the mother bear of the group. We're so thankfull for her. When she got back we all hopped up and headed outside. I was walking with Scott and Ryan. Esther and Kevin were walking a little ahead of us, leaving Avi and Kirstie trailing behind. Just as planned. I chuckled to myself.

We're so smart!

I glanced behind me and saw they were walking awfully close.

"Hey Scott." I tapped his arm and motioned my head towards them.

He turned around and then turned back. "They're walking awfully close." He smirked.

"That is exactly what I just thought!!!" I looked at him shocked. We always do that though.

We walked for awhile until we came upon the beach. It was GORGEOUS!

"Oh my gosh! Lets play in the water y'all!" Scott said.

We all took off our shoes and socks and rolled our pants up then went at it. Kevin splashed water all over me and Scott and we kindly returned the favor. Avi splashed water on Esther and just as she was about to splash him back Kirstie got him from behind. He whirrled around and started walking toward her.

"Two can play at this game." He smirked.

"AVI NO! DON'T YOU DARE." She screamed. But did he listen? No.

He splashed as much water as he physically could onto Kirstie and she was soaked.

"AVRIEL KAPLAN!" She yelled.

By this time Avi was almost in tears he was laughing so hard, as were the rest of us. With the exception of Kirstie of course. Avi was busy laughing and I glanced over to Kirstie and she had something planned, you could tell. Avi turned his back toward her and was about to talk to Kevin when Kirstie came up behind him and pulled him to the ground by surprise. Water splashed everywhere and even got on me. Kirstie was already soaked so she didn't care if she got wet anymore.

"Two can play at this game." She said to him smirking. Avi was laying in the shallow water, shocked that she caught him off guard. We all laughed even harder now. My stomach was killing me! I better have abs by the end of this.

"She got you good, bro!" Kevin said through his hilarious laugh.

"That she did." He said sitting himself up on his elbows smiling at her.

These two need to just date already!

"Well since we're all soaked, how about we go back and take showers and have a movie night?" Scott suggested.

We all agreed and got our shoes back on and headed to the cabin. Because Mama needs to shower!

AN: Heyyyy!! Here's chapter seven! Hope you guys liked it. Thanks for reading! :) <3

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