Chapter 29

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"A-Avi....." Kirstie tightens her grip on my arm.

We all are in a group looking around to find the source.

"I sure hope that was someone's stomach.." Mitch said, his voice shaking.

"I-I don't think so..." Kevin studdered.

Just then a flock of birds flew out of the forest. We all look up in the direction they were going, and as our backs were turned a thunderous growl came from behind us. All I hear is Kirstie scream and I see her pinned to the ground by a couger. She screamed in agony and cried out for help. I didn't know what to do, but I did the only thing I could do. I tackled the beast from the side to get it off her. I glance over and see Mitch help her up. The couger's focus was on me now. It swiped me once with it's giant paw on my back, the claws ripping through my shirt and into my flesh. I screamed in pain, and resulted to my last resort. I threw wild punches everywhere, punching the giant cat in the snout. It snarled and growled, but didn't give up. Suddenly, I felt the cat fly off my body and onto the ground. It lifted it's head and snarled one last time before running away. I lay on my back and look to the side to see Kevin gripping his foot.

"You kicked it?" I manage to chuckle out.

"It looked like you needed some help." He laughed, but winced at the pain.

Esther and Kirstie were bawling and Scott, Mitch, and Ryan looked stuned from what they had just witnessed.

"Oh my god, Kevin... Avi..." Esther sobbed, running to us.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Take care of Avi, he's the one bleeding." Kevin said limping away.

"It looks worse than it actually is." I said, pulling myself to my feet.

I look to Kirstie and she is sobbing, but she looks okay. Thank God.

"Babe?.." I say, walking to her.

She slowly moves toward me and I wrap my arms around her as she sobs into my chest.

"Hey, hey, I'm okay. I'm going to be fine." I look her in the eye and kiss her softly. "Okay?"

She takes awhile to respond because she is crying so heavily.

"O-...O-Okay..." She sniffs.

"Hey Ryan don't you have some kind of medical training?"

I look over and he's examining Kevin's foot. His head shoots up and he nods.

"We really need to get out of here and get back to the cabin." He says seriously.

Scott and Ryan help Kevin back to the cabin. Once we get there, they place Kevin on the chair and elevate his foot. Esther makes a quick ice-pack and puts it on his foot.

"Okay, Avi I need you to remove your shirt." Ryan says, rumaging through the medical suppiles we have.

I get about half way before the pain becomes to imbearable and I realize I can't do this on my own. I look to Kirstie and she nods. She walks over and begins to peel my shirt off me. Which hurt like hell. Ryan looked at my back.

"You want the good news or bad news?" He asked.

"Uhh... Good news?"

"Well good news is: it looks worse than it actually is."

"And the bad news?..."

"Bad news is.." He said as he reached inside the first aid kit and pulled out a spray.

"This is going to hurt like hell."

Oh no......

I hung my head low and grabbed a chair. I gripped the top of it and turned my head to Ryan.

"Okay.... On three. One....... Tw-AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! WHAT THE HELL RYAN?!?!"

"It hurts less when you don't expect it." He shrugged and put the spray back.

"Dear god...." I muttered and hung my head.

"Okay we'll wrap this up and you'll make a good recovery in no time!" He said and pulled out a roll of bandage.

Once he finished, Kirstie led me back up to her room, or our room.... I don't know. We haven't discussed it yet. I layed down on the bed face down and let out a long sigh.

"I hate seeing you hurt because of me..." She said, sorrow filling her voice.

"It wasn't your fault, babe." I chuckled, sitting up.

"Well..." She shrugged and looked away.

I leaned in and kissed her passionatly and then flopped back down to my original position.

"You can't just kiss me like that and lay back down!!" She pouted.

"Quit being sad." I mumbled into the sheets.

"Okay then.... Two can play at this game.." She leaned down and nipped my neck slightly. I turned to face her and she kissed me passionatly. I had completly forgotten she was playing this little 'game' and found myself completly lost in her. Her hand ran through my hair and her tounge danced in my mouth. She took my bottom lip in between her teeth and tugged it. That drives me crazy. All I wanted was more, but she got up and walked to her dresser.


"What?" She asked as if nothing happened.

"I really don't like you right now." I laughed.

"I know you don't like me. You love me." She blew a kiss and walked out of the room.

I burried my face in the pillow and sighed a long sigh. What a great step in this vacation.

AN: So yeeeah I didn't really have anywhere else to go so I threw this is there.... xD anyway I hope y'all liked it! Thanks for reading and voting! Love y'all! <3

*blows kiss*

Goooooood byeeeeeeeee

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