Chapter 2

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Kirstie POV

I was helping Esther, Ryan, Kevin, and Avi unload since Scott asked me about my feelings for Avi... I didn't want to answer him because I really don't like talking about it. I shouldn't like him! It's too risky. Besides, he wouldn't like me anyway. I was brought away from my thoughts when I felt something poke my side. It scared me so naturally yes, I squealed.

"Avi!!" I hit his shoulder and he just stood there laughing and smirking. God, why does he have to be so cute?!

"You think you're funny, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said and poked my side again, causeing another squeal to escape my mouth. This time I dropped a tackle box Esther handed to me back at the truck. This of course was very funny to Avi, and he busted out in laughter.

"Oops." I said knocking the stuff out of his hand while he was caught off guard. He stopped laughing and looked at me pretending to be mad, but he was about to burst out laughing again any minute now. I smirked and loaded my stuff and made my way back to the truck. I turned my head slightly and saw him checking me out. My face intantly blushed and I walked faster to the truck. Why would he do that??


Oh dear god. She saw me, I know she did. She blushed and started walking faster to th- Wait... She blushed. Could she? No, she wouldn't. Why would she like me back? I shook it off and walked back to the truck to get the last couple things, but ran into something or someone on my way there. Scott.

"Oh, sorry dude. I wasn't paying attention." I apologized

"It's okay man. This is the last of it, you don't have to load anymore." He smiled.

"Oh okay. Sweet." I chuckled still thinking about what happened earlier.

"You can help me with this though." He motioned me to come help him, and I walked over to him.

"You really need help with this?" I asked.

"No, I just wanted to let you know that I'm aware about your feelings for Kirst." He smirked.

"What?!! Wha- how did you- did Kevin tell you?!?! I'm going to k-"

"Avi, chill. Kevin didn't say anything. I can just tell." He laughed

"That noticedable huh?.." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Only if you really pay attention. Mitch actually pointed it out to me."

"Aw man! Mitch knows too?!"

"Dude, it's fine. Look Kirstie has a- uh...erm.. Has been... talking about you a lot. I think she may like you back. Me and Mitch can give you all the details. We think y'all would be cute together." He smiled

I just nervously laughed. Everyone knows now! Ugh! Well... At least Kirstie doesn't know... Or does she?.. Oh my gosh! I snapped out of my thoughts once Esther screamed for all of us to board the bus. This is going to be an intresting trip.

AN: Hey guys!!! Boom another update! :) I'm going to try and update this frequently so y'all can get a feel for the story. Hope y'all enjoyed it! Thanks for reading. <3

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