13. Undealt business (part 1)

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It doesn't contain full treaser and only some part. Other parts will be in next update.


Isn't it funny?! It was me who repeatedly asked Manik to stop running and let me in ,in his pain, and sufferings and that's exactly what I am doing right now.

Full day I managed to dodge Manik and his questions, though his work and Soha and Mukti 's presence around me made it a lot easier to do so.
For the first time ever I was thankful to his long list of to-do's .

I know I owe him an explanation for very conveniently bailing out on him and accepting the offer of this so called 'honeymoon' trip.
I don't want to think of possibilities he might be thinking of, for the reason my agreement.

I just hope he doesn't get any ideas regarding this whole arrangement.

And why exactly he is not supposed to get 'ideas' regarding all of this?! Dude, you literally jumped out in excitement right there in front of everyone at this idea of trip.
What do you think it is? A business tour?! A pilgrimage?

That's a honeymoon trip you are talking about. The one which involves a newly wed couple in some super amazing and sensuous atmosphere.

I gotta fix this fast.

But what exactly ,I am going to say?

The only reason I agreed for this whole affair is because I thought if we leave this place, Aahil's puppets will definitely follow us, or to be precise, follow me, at least that way I can manage two shots at one time

First, our family here will be safe with no retards lurking around.

Second, once we are away, he will be separated from his ground support, that way even if there's a group of bastards over here ,I would be able to get them out of their den. And with Manik around I seriously doubt that they'll actually dare do anything.

I really need to think of my explanations ,though. He deserves it.

And as they say speak of the devil and devil's here, just in time the door opened to reveal Manik Malhotra himself.

I immediately stood up facing his very intimidating , calm form.

He came early than his usual schedule which includes ,no way before midnight.
He looked tired though, hair disheveled, shoulders sagging a bit.
I tried giving him a smile but it cane more like an awkward cover up smile.

He reciprocated just fine, though.
Just one of the most simple curves make his entire frame so much brighter.

"Hey! You came early today?! All okay?"

I couldn't help but ask.

Good going, keep it normal! Kuddos to the move!

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