15. A night to remember (part 1)

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Hey people! This is the first part.
This update was crossing 6000 border so had to divide it in two halves.
Next part will be uploaded tonight itself, so don't worry and enjoy it.

The harsh screeching of tyres could not help break the train of my thoughts, it was then, a pair of big warm hands slipped into mine spreading tingles across my nerves.

Needless to mention, those belonged to my husband.
I glances sideways, to find his beautiful face with even more beautiful eyes staring right through me, painted with concern all over.

He must have observed the oddness of my behavior since the time we kicked off the journey.
And I guess, I don't really blame him for that, right from happy n excited to tensed, stiff and gloomy, was quite some change, hard to miss.
He asked me a couple of times ,but of course only to get a negative reply in return.

"Sir, we have reached."

The firm, professional voice from the driver seat interrupted our session.


The reason of my miseries and I had no clue about it.

I wanted to scream n shout at him, for playing with our trust n ask him to fuck off from our lives, but unfortunately ,I can't.

He may be a unfaithful loser, but he is my only ticket to the greater devil.
I looked at Manik, on his lack of response and found him still looking at me with same expressions.

I sighed, and composing myself, gave him a slight nod, with blink of my eyes, to make it more convincing, giving his hand a light squeeze, as a gesture of me being okay.

That seemed to work if not fully ,than enough to keep his queries at a bay.

"Okay, then, you go n park, we will be waiting for you here."

He replied in nonetheless, same tone once we were out of our little talk.
He was out in no time, and as I was about to open the door yo my side, it opened to reveal, Manik standing there ,his hand stretched out like a perfect gentleman.

I smiled at the gesture and remembered, how at out reception party I expected him to do so, but giving me a like- seriously- you- think- so, look he was out.

My insides warmed up to see the change, we did cover a long journey.
God knows, what the future has in it for us.

As soon as we were out and car was gone, I felt a tug on my arm.

"Are you okay?
What happened suddenly ? We were all good when we left the room and suddenly you are so serious and gloomy.
You know you can tell me about it, right?"

His concerned filled voice was music to my ears.

Oh Manik!

I so wish ,I could.

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