16. A night to remember (part 2)

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One word and he knew he was in deep shit.

He mumbled few curses at himself, for slipping away and something about how to explain it to me, considering that I can't hear his self proclaimed rant.

He was about to dismiss me using his all time attitude, but one look at my stubborn, glaring face was enough to shut it off.

"It means,I didn't kill him, even as my whole body was itching to do so. I controlled myself, because I knew if I started I won't be able to stop and I promised you sometime to 'us' , and had it been me ending up killing him.

Or even worse, I would have not been able to control even then and eventually have taken it all out on you.
And, trust me, ruining this, is the last thing I would ever want.

I would have sulked in regret and you would have not liked it a bit.

I know how upset my anger gets you."

He clarified.
And the sincerity and respect his words depicted were none less than a treasure.

I was touched at the extent to which I affect him and how thoughtful of him to think so deep. He was caressing my hand and knuckles with the pad of his thumb, drawing small circles, to keep him going without exploding.

"So, you let him go?"

I asked still unsure, though happy that he was spared, but a small teeny part of me yearned for a small vegeanance.

He gave me a sheepish smile, that screamed danger in bold and capitals.

"What did you do Manik?"

I asked him, kinda scared of his reply.
He was reluctant at first and then after some nagging finally confessed the truth.

"I called Cabir and asked him to request, if you know what I mean, all the investors and stakeholders in his company to withdraw their credits leaving him almost penniless.
Also destroying his reputation in the process.
He won't get anyone to help and eventually we will force him to sell his everything in pieces.

But , even then when he want so, he won't get anyone by his side and that is where Malhotra enterprises will come to his rescue.

So, the fame and name and money he earned all his life will be destroyed and burnt to ashes right in front of his eyes.
His coming generations will see the celebration of his dilapidation.

In short, he is fucked up! Bad!

Tannn tannaaaa!"

I could do nothing but gape at him.

This guy just ruined someone for life (not that he was left with a long one, but still.)
And was Bragging about it!


"Are you out of your mind?! You just ruined his entire life's hard work! Just because of a stupid mistake.

Are you even serious?

You know what, forget it! Call Cabir and ask him to stay put and stop whatever he is planning to do." I was frantically searching for his phone so that I could anything to stop him.

While all he did was shake his head, lazily with I-knew-it-would-happen expressions.

He held my arms and locked me in his, gesturing me to calm down, dropped another bomb.

"Calm down, okay! Relax! See, the thing is ,you don't know how influential I can be, when in want."

Making weird faces.

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