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Me and Corbyn sat in his room listening to a man yelling at the boys, I open my mouth to speak, but Corbyn stops me. He motions me towards the closet and I go in there, he leaves a crack so there is air and I can see. I hear Corbyn's door open and see this 'man' he's wearing a formal suit with a side swept hair style. I see Corbyn faking an act, he was coughing and holding his stomach close to his chest as if he got shot. He's laying on the bed until the man yells "get up!" In a booming voice. I see Corbyn look at me for a split second then look at the guy. "Photo shoot is today get these on" the man says and throws him a suit. He leaves the room and shuts the door, I come out of the closet and Corbyn laughs, "I'm gonna need to change so get back in there and turn around" he says to me and I walk into the closet. I come out after he says it's ok "you have to stay here, we will find a way to somehow get you in the photo shoot room" Corbyn states, then walks out the room and closes the door.

Corbyn joins us on the couches and we all look at each other, "I have an idea" I say quietly "what?" Jonah answers "watch" I reply "Um Sir" I say to Mark, the boss "what" he answers, he treats me like a little kid "could I go pick up my girlfriend before we go?" I lie, "is she close from here?" He asks "yea just a block away"
I say, Mark stares at me for a bit and my heart skips a beat, then he says "go now" and I grab my phone and leave. I walk outside and wait for the signal

"I need to get something" I say then run to my room, I inform Rachel about everything and I tell her to climb out the window, "you will meet Zach outside at the back" I state before I close the window shut loudly and go back to the couches

Big window bang, that was the cue. I start to speed walk to the back of the bus and meet Rachel. Surprisingly she looks nice in the exact same clothes she wore the day before, also it looked like she took a shower,her hair wasn't messed up and she somehow got makeup on. I take a look at her and say "I don't know how girls do this" then take her hand. I walk up to the trailer door and knock. I hold my breath and hope this works

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