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K I'm going offline for like a week or less only a few days... I'm going off topic. Anyway, since I will be gone on a trip for a bit I have premade this "long" chapter to keep you guys entertained for awhile. The reason I say premade is because I made it before I am going and also I won't be looking or replying or doing anything with the chapter until like a week later. Yeah. Enjoy.

I woke up in our hotel room. Everyone was awake and was doing something, I got up and washed and changed, it was the first day of me and Jonah's newly made relationship. I smiled, I was pretty happy about it and I was smiling throughout breakfast. The boys had gotten the signal and soon were smiling too, except for Jack, he wasn't happy about it, but if he couldn't accept the fact that I didn't like him, then it was his problem.

Today was the Las Vegas show and the boys were doing warmups. They sang in harmony and did some mashups, since we had awhile till the show started, the boys wanted to make a video for their YouTube Channel. They all decided to do a vlog and Daniel picked up and iPhone because they didn't have a camera. "Ok, hello guys, um it's me, Daniel. And Jonah is here with his girlfriend and Corbyn is over there and there's Zach, oh and hi Jack" Daniel stated to the phone, he turned his body and pointed in directions, Daniel walked around the room and talked about the tour and everything. Me, Jonah and Zach went out to go get everyone some coffee.

"Heyyyy" Jonah stated at the cashier, we were at Starbucks and we were getting coffee. The woman smiled, she was obviously older than Jonah but he flirted with her. "So, hows the job at Starbucks, i mean, you could have a better life if you'd tag along with me" Jonah stated then smirked. The woman laughed and then stopped, "can I take your order?" She asked, Jonah opened his mouth to start and say something stupid but I stopped him, "we'll take 6 ice caps please" I said and Jonah looked at me. We got the drinks and headed back to the hotel, I was kind of salty at Jonah for doing that, he had confirmed to be my new boyfriend and he pretty much "cheated" on me. Zach was in the awkward predicament so he stayed silent the whole time.

"COFFEE" Corbyn screamed and took 3. He gave them out and started to drink his, Corbyn was very excited. Me and Jonah didn't talk about what happened in the store and we stayed quiet about that. Daniel was done vlogging and was posting the video, we all decided to go shopping for like the fifth time and see what Las Vegas had for us. Mark had told us to go check out the venue the guys were playing at, he was already there and was discussing the show with the people there. We got outside and started walking to different stores, we entered a store and Jonah went off. The boys also left but Daniel stayed with me, we shopped for hats and socks. After awhile, we had to go to the venue so I went to go find Jonah, he was in the suits section and was flirting with the helper there. Her and him looked at me as I walked by, "so, I'll see you later, k?" Jonah said and brushed her away, I approached him slowly, "Hey Ray, ready to go?" He asked and gave that cute and innocent smile. I rolled my eyes and gave the sarcastic grin and he grabbed my hand, we found the rest of the guys and we called a taxi. We all went off to the venue and once again, me and Jonah didn't discuss the situation.

"Took you longer than excepted" Mark stated as we got out of the car, "ever see Las Vegas traffic?" Daniel asked as he took his guitar out of the taxi trunk. Mark looked and him and shrugged, he turned around and started walking towards the stage, everyone got the message and started to follow him, he walked fast and some of us almost had to walk-run to catch up. "So, backstage, front, seating area, the makeup is over there, there's food and drinks in that corner and Daniel, give that guitar of yours to that guy over there, his name is Nate" Mark stated as he walked around and showed us the place, I froze when he said that name, "Hey Rachel, are you ok?" Jack asked and I nodded, "Daniel, can I come with you?" I asked and he smiled, "sure" he said and we started towards 'Nate'.

We got to Nate, he had light brown hair that was so light it could've been blonde, it was just like the Nate I knew. I gulped, Daniel tapped his shoulder and he turned around. The same ocean blue eyes and horrible hair, the same jaw and face and... it was Nathan Clifford. Daniel handed him the guitar and he smiled, showing all his perfect teeth. I stood there, still, an adrenaline rush ran through me, my heart was pounding and I was sweating. It was... Nate. He looked at me and stopped, my heart skipped a beat. I pulled back tears as he made eye contact with me, I ran over and hugged him tightly, he hesitated then grasped his arms over me too. What were the chances. We stayed there for a couple of minutes and then let go, Daniel had left and it was just me and him,
"Rachel" he said, "Nate" I stated back. "Looks like someone's all grown up" He said and ran his fingers through his hair, "yeah, and looks like someone can't figure out how to brush their hair" I said back and he laughed, I combed his hair with my fingers and he put his arms around me, "it's been awhile" he said and laughed again. "Yeah It has, how is it with your dad?" I asked and he looked at me, his face went from happy to angry, "just don't talk about it" he said and pulled me in tighter. I looked at him and he wasn't happy at all, I sighed. What a day.

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