Ages 9 and 12

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Jeremy sat in the living room sitting by his Pops while Dad scolded his sister for pulling a classmates hair in school.

"You don't understand she was saying rude stuff about us that you and Pops are gross and we're adopted." Mary explained.

"Being adopted isn't an insult." Josh chimed in from next to Jeremy.

Mary and Tyler both ignored him. "I understand don't think I don't but pulling her hair won't solve anything!" Tyler's voice raised.

"Seriously Dad you're never on my side!" Mary screamed as she stormed up the stairs and banged the door to her room.

Tyler sat on the other side of Jeremy. "Why do i always have to scold the kids?" He asked Josh jokingly but Josh could sense the underlining seriousness in his tone.

"Because Pops is too calm and he would never be able to do it. Plus he wouldn't punish us because he thinks it's painful for the building of our personalities." Jeremy told his dad. He turned and looked at his Pops and smiled as if to say 'I've got you, I'm totally backing you up right now.'

Tyler laughed, "You're so smart Jeremy, and for the record Josh, I don't think scolding will be painful to the building of their personalities."

"Well I do, I never liked being yelled at." Josh admitted.

"Sorry babe." Tyler said before he  leaned over and pecked Josh's lips  quickly, Jeremy screamed and yelled "COOTIES!"


Pops = Josh
Dad = Tyler

Shy 2 (Sequel to Shy) //JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now