Age 13 and 16 (part 3)

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Kyle stood by his locker waiting for Jeremy, he was exactly five minutes late but that was not a new thing Jeremy, being late that is.

He played with his thumb impatiently waiting, his ADD not allowing him to rest and his anxiety telling him that he was one hundred percent being ditched.

From faraway he could see the school doors being pushed open and a young boy that looked to be around his age come in.

He breathed in. He wasn't ditched.

"Hey sorry I'm late, my dad's were asking a lot of questions about why they were dropping me off at school on a Saturday." Jeremy explained.

"I thought you ditched me, you should just tell your dads we're hanging out or whatever. Unlike a lot of other gay kids your dads won't care." Kyle tried to rationalize.

"Yeah I know but I'm not ready, I just want to take things slow, we are also thirteen you know," Jeremy nodded in understanding.

"I got you, now let's go to the park!" They grabbed each others hands and ran off.

Guys I honestly had such big dreams about making my stories and wattpad better this summer! I go back to school in 12 days and I have reached none of my goals 😭😭😭lmaooo!!! I was gonna finally reach 1k followers, write longer chapters, get official cover photos, and take wattpad more seriously in general.

It's my 4 year wattpad anniversary this year, like I've been on here for 4 years, that's crazy!!!!!!

You know why none of it happened???


Anyways that's just my little rant about myself ....

Vote, comment, follow!! Thanks :))))

Shy 2 (Sequel to Shy) //JOSHLERWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt