Age 13 and 16 (Part 4)

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"So, what have you kiddos been up to lately?" Josh asked his children while they currently ate dinner. "Well i'm thinking about joining the cheerleading team." Mary took a big bite of salad before swallowing and continuing to talk, "also i got asked to prom by a senior." Tyler almost choked on his food. 

Josh nudged him as if to say don't freak out. "You did?" Josh asked trying to keep his voice as un judgemental as possible. "Yeah and you're going to let me go right?" Mary set down her fork crossing her arms. "Mary is that how you ask for something?" Tyler was so over her horrible attitude. "You guys never want me to have fun, you don't want me to live my life." Mary got up and stormed off. 

"I'll go talk to her." Josh stood up and followed his emotional daughter. Tyler sighed. "What about you son?" Jeremy gulped. He wished his sister would stay so the attention would be away from him and his dad wouldn't find out about his little secret. 

"No, not really, i mean i think i want to join the football team, i'm getting bored of basketball." Jeremy tried to stay as calm as possible. 

"That sounds good son as long you're exercising and enjoying yourself that's good." Jeremy nodded and bit into his beef.


"He hates me, he really does!" Mary rubbed her forehead, she could never win in this house. "No, he does not hate you, he's just stubborn but he's an amazing guy and he means well." Josh tried to explain as best as possible.

 "I've known him since i was about six years old, it's just him being him." Josh added.

"Ugh, i feel so isolated here!" Mary stood up and started pacing. 

"Baby girl, listen, i'll make sure you get to go to prom with your senior date but you just have to promise me to understand where me and your father are coming from. Sometimes you won't like what we do but we're doing it to help you, i promise." Josh pleaded with her.


She sat down next to her father and they hugged each other. Parenting is so hard sometimes Josh thought and he knew Tyler agreed.





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