Ages 14 and 17 (part 2)

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"Dad and I were talking and we sincerely believe that we should start having family meetings on a regular basis." Mary rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe her fathers. "Why?" She twirled her fork around, left over salad still on her plate. "We feel that you guys aren't being completely honest with us, for example Mary you're never home, Jermey you've been acting quite suspicious, having us drop you off at school on the weekends for what? Detention?" Tyler was finally able to spill his thoughts and he wasn't going to hold back. "Your Dad and I are concerned about your wellbeing that's all. Family meetings will help us talk more openly, we won't judge, we just wanna know what's going on in your lives." Josh added trying to make the air lighter. Mary dropped her fork on her plate quite loudly. "Hmm, I don't think so, I don't have to tell you guys anything I don't want to, you'll just try to control me." She crossed her arms. She was sick and tired of being told what to do, where she can and can't go and how to live her life. "Sweetie no ones attacking you, we're just-" Josh tried explaining further but Mary wasn't having it. "No, listen, my whole life's been difficult and you know why? Because I have two dads, in school everyone always makes fun of me and ridicules me, "what's it like knowing your dad gets b*ttf*cked every day?" That's what they say to me. So I'm not going to have you two tell me what I can't and can do when you're the reason my life is ruined!" Mary jumped up from the table trying to storm off but Tyler was quick to grab her wrist. "Excuse me, young lady, that is no way to talk to the people who've spent years raising you and making you into the woman you are today, that was a sick thing for you to do! You need to think about your words before you say them!" Tyler was fuming, he had never been this angry in his life. Josh was stunned, tears brimming his eyes. Jeremy sat still, shocked. This is why he didn't want to be gay, it just caused issues. He wanted a normal life where people wouldn't judge him and the best way to do that was to conform. "Whatever!" Mary yelled before storming off! Tyler sat down, rubbing Josh's back. "I don't understand that girl sometimes, we've done so much for her and still he acts out!" Tyler grabbed his hair, tugging on it out of frustration. Josh grabbed his hand in support. "Dad's?" Jeremy spoke up, Tyler and Josh looked up to see their son in tears. "Ohh Jeremy, we're so sorry, you shouldn't have heard all that." Josh leaned over to wipe his sons tears. "That was mean of her but she's right isn't she? Life is hard for gay people." Jeremy sighed, why was he even asking when he knew it was the truth. His dads sighed too. "Yes, it is, but in those moments, that's when you have to be strong okay? If someone is telling you that you're living your life wrong because of who you are then frankly, screw them! Don't let society tell you what you should and shouldn't be." Tyler gently grabbed his sons hand. "Son, whether you're gay or not it doesn't matter to us, we just want you to be healthy and happy. Your sister is dealing with a lot of pent up pain right now and that's why she got so mad but this is why we have to communicate with each other, so that these situations are avoided. Do you understand?" Jeremy nodded. He understood. He really did but it was all still very hard.

Thank you so much to all the people who left incredibly kind messages in the last chapter. Thank you for giving me time to sort my life before writing again! I'm updating officially again so be on the look out! You are all beautiful and deserving of love no matter who you love, remember that <3

Have a good day!

Shy 2 (Sequel to Shy) //JOSHLERحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن