Chapter 2

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I go in the break room with Liv to grab a cup of coffee because my nerves were shot due to constantly being yelled at by TJ, we were talking about Champs huge blow out sale on sneakers an couldn't wait to buy some. As I look up I got smacked in the mouth with feathers which highly piss me off, "excuse us!" In a rude tone a chick who reminded me of Rhianna and a dude in a galaxy jacket who was standing in the way of the snack table Liv looked at her and said "How about you excuse us and get out of people's way!" Me and the guy could just stair into each other's eyes as the girl drug him away he kept looking back at me then eventually went around the corner. "Earth to Soph?!" Liv said as she tried handing me a cup of coffee "Oh sorry I kinda zoned out.... I'm tired." She almost choked on her coffee from laughing saying "If your face gets red an your sweating nervously your tired? Haha don't bullshit me you eye balled him hard girl!" Sippin my coffee I shook my head No.
"Mrs Morgan and Phantom, Mr McMahon would like to have some words with you guys." We looked at each other like "oh shit what now?!" An walked into the office. "Welcome girls have a seat, I have two things to ask you." Shane said looking at us "First how much do you love working here?" Liv spoke up saying how this is her dream an everything while I leaned back like we're getting fired. Shane looked at me as for I said "It's a dream I work so hard TJ bust my ass every day I love this life!" He smiled kicking his feet up on the desk pulling out documents "Don't be nervous you two acting like I'm gonna kill you guy's, How would you guys as a team would want to join the main roster on RAW?" Both of our jaws dropped as we gripped onto each other's hand tightly "Is this a joke I don't feel ready oh my god!" He handed us both a contract as we began to cry, "Also Sophie were gonna switch you up we got a better match for you tonight, You and TJ and Alicia Fox and Noam Dar" giving him the face I would as if I was looking at TJ Liv knew I was pissed "Couldn't you let me get my ass beat by Billie instead?" Giving him the signatures we walk out smiling "Holy shit were on the main roster now!" Liv screeches bouncing up an down, "What do you mean Main... Roster" my cousin said curiously. "If your wondering TJ, Shane put me and Liv on RAW main roster looks like I'm one step ahead of you and also we have a match against some Alicia chick an a dude name Noam Dar." I flipped my long black hair in his face an walked off skipping with Liv.
With his hands over his head TJP was pissed he couldn't see straight "Okay if she wants to be like that we will teach her how the main roster is."

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