Chapter 9

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The ring announcer's yelled making the arena hyped, I set there with a few of the girls "dear god...." I thought to myself as I noticed the hole place was rigged with everybody trying to jump him. After Neville's theme song came the stupid gamer music I took off out of my seat running but as TJ came out on stage I was too late. First it was Enzo and Cass then Dean then Noam..... I went to run out to them but Shane stopped me as he was relying at the referees and the security to break up the fight "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS PHANTOM ANYTHING YOU WANT TO SAY?!" I felt my stomach drop "Shane... I....I ...."  He looked me an said he will deal with us later an came out to help break up the fight. I looked out at TJ on the entrance ramp, "why do I feel awful about this.." I whispered to myself till Liv walked up an herd what I said "Bitch look at you an look at him think what all he has done to you and your gonna say you feel bad for him?!" Stormed away as I tried to tell her come back, my best friend was mad at me and so is my only family so I punched the wall "Louve..." I herd Noam say as he was walking up to me "YOU GUYS HAVE ME IN A HUGE AMOUNT OF TROUBLE AN NOW LIV IS MAD AT ME!" I screamed into his face taking off running leaving him there.
I walk into Shane's office to see everyone there including TJ, "Take a seat her Sophie..." Shane said pulling up a chair, Liv scooted a few inches away from me I tried not to cry as my eyes were throbbing from being punched in them.
"Now you all may or may not know why I called you in here, your lucky I don't suspend you all or even fire you all?!" 
Everybody started talking trying to explain till Shane looked at me and Liv "YOU TWO KISS YOUR RAW CONTRACTS GOOD BYE AND YEAD BACK TO NXT BEEN NOTHING BUT TROUBLE SINCE YOU BECAME A MAIN SUPERSTAR!" We began to cry while the guys argued, "ENOUGH!!" Shane yelled "Mr.McMahon... This was..... My Fault..." TJ spoke up as he tried to set up from slouching in a seat. "No don't take the blame for them TJ." Wiping our tears I looked at him "No Shane I deserve to be in prison... For what I did..." Shane looks at me holding onto Noam then TJ "What did you do did you hit her TJ?"
"More then just hit, I'm an abuser I got jealous over the fact she got a raw contract I terrorized her and Liv, I myself and Alicia Fox tried to terrorize her an him.... Now if you want to arrest me so beat it." Everybody's mouth flew open "Everyone but you out of my office -points at TJ-"
As we all stepped outside I put my face in Noam's chest an began to bawl my eyes out as he hugged me, "Soph... I'm sorry." Liv said looking down fiddling with her fingers I picked my head up and hug Liv "It's okay ... Promise"
I see the cops walk up "TJ!" Liv and the crew tries to hold me back "Sophie just let me go it's payback." He said as he walked away in handcuffs.

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