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"So Sophie you can be rude to me at work but is nervous as a deer in headlights eh?" Noam said smiling at me I cover my face with my hands trying not to blush least he is talking now maybe he got up stunned shit did my makeup smear an I ugly?! Enzo an Liv wouldn't stop smiling as they were eating "Awh..." I squint my eyes at Liv "Shhudddd upp" putting her hand up to her chest "Oh how rude! I was choking!" I throw a shrimp at her telling her does she always go Awh when she chokes we all laughed I felt Noam wrap his arm around me rubbing were TJ left a bruise from grabbing me. So sweet I look at him and smiled, Liv secretly took a photo of us an posted it to her Instagram "My work here is done💕" she captions then takes a selfie of her and Enzo. We continue to eat then Enzo offered to pay for all of us being generous as always I love him like the big brother I always wanted.
We walk around the mall shopping for a bit till we walked into HotTopic...... "So your sicker then shit right Sophie, so you lied to me and what are you doing holding hands with him..." Sniring his face at Noam "Eh TJP How Dow You Hop Off Her Back Iight or there gonna be a lil trouble outside in the parking garage.." We looked at Enzo who held TJ back while me Liv and Noam ran into the parking garage. Hiding behind cars I can't catch my breath my chest hurts as Noam was holding me feeling him breathe fast an his heart Rush was amazing while Liv fixes her glasses "God we're is Enzo?!"
TJ- Your my family I'm all you got left give in now and your little boyfriend won't get touched.
I threw my phone shattering it against the cement wall an began to cry "It's not fair, it never will be I already fell for Noam but I just gotta give up I can't Liv TJ will hurt him it's best if I go with him" I said crying as hard as I can while Noam looked like he had his heart shattered into a thousand pieces. "Bitch your my best friend always have been since day 1 if you really think TJ gonna win this your sadly mistaken you ain't had a date in 6 years you two are gonna be happy fall in love get married an have supernova children got that!!!" Me an Noam looked at her strangely "She is right louve I'm not gonna let him hurt you we in this together." He said holding me tighter. "Liv...." Enzo kept saying till he found us she ran up to him hugging him "Your cousin is worse then a meth head without meth and also you can't go back to you hotel rooms he will be waiting." Enzo said looking at me.

Nightmare on Noam St. (Noam Dar Fanfic<3)Where stories live. Discover now