Chapter 6

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"Noam take Sophie and I'll take Liv text when you get to your room." Enzo said pointing his finger as Noam shook his head. Getting in the car with Noam I put my hands over my face bawling in tears my life is the worsening by the second I hate TJ so much! Before starting his car he grabs my hand putting them down holding them "Stop crying louve please my heart aches your pain, am I really the first date you've had all them years?" I face away from him because I didn't want him to see my makeup running down my face "Yes........ As you see I have no life I never have had one!" I continue to cry harder yanking my hands away from him covering my face "You're now my queen I'll do anything for you louve."
He said as he started the car we drove to the Marriot  which was 14 minutes away from the Mall we get to room 213, "Welcome home louve." He said as he turned on the TV impractical jokers was on which I loved them more then anything I went to 2 of there live shows. " I set there watching it as Noam fixes his 2010 Justin Bieber hair do which I didn't mind though it worked on him and he texted Enzo saying we made it  "Yeh like those guy's" I shook my head yes as he came over an set beside me rubbing my back "You know I first laid eyes on you I couldn't help but feel weak in my stomach, an now to know I'm yeh first date in along while I want you to be treated like a queen you deserve to be that is if you say yes to making it official."  I look at him an hug him "I'm so sorry for ever being mean to you and also yes Noam a billion time yes." Swear maybe Liv did a huge favor for me -smiles- Noam looks at me asking if pizza for dinner sounded good which I'm always down for greasy food I'm like a 600 pound chick in a 120 pound body. As the day came to an end we stayed in the hotel room all day I eventually fell asleep the last thing I remember was Sal getting chased by a cat costume in a cornfield on Impractical Jokers haha! Getting a small nap in Noam woke me up "Precious Louve I ran you a bubble bath Liv and Enzo brought your clothes an stuff but I already laid out one of my shirts an sweat pants for you an the pizza should be here in 20." Waking up I felt confused an my eyes hurt holy hell this all happened I get up an go tot he bathroom an lock the door gettin in the bubble bath most quiet an relaxing feeling I've had in along time! I continue to soak and then finish washing up to get out. Once I did I put on his clothes an being the tiny person that I am there huge on me I walk out an he chuckles as I look down an see pineapple pizza it's like he reads  my mind. I grab a piece an set beside him as we ate this date turned out to be the best thing In the world.
-The Next Day-
"Good Mornin Louve!" Noam said as he brushes the hair out of my face waking me up, I raise up grabbing my shattered phone to see that Liv has texted then there was TJ....... It's like no matter what I do my life is ruined "Goodmorning Family...>:) Hope I find you and your little hood rats tonight." Looking over my shoulders Noam frowns then looks out the window. As I noticed I out my phone down leaning against the wall starring at him watch the City morning traffic " Noam I don't want you hurt I don't want my best friend hurt either I'm no good for you even at work Alicia will give me hell." I said as I walk towards the bathroom saying since he was zoned out till suddenly he grabbed my arm the same spot TJ did. My arm began to throb from him holding onto the bruise "Your mine.......... He isn't gonna win until one of us lands in jail." I jerked my arm away scared of his serious face "Sorry...." He said as he set on the edge of the bed.
I walk into the bathroom and began to text Liv "I need backup I need help and to be surrounded when we get to work and also Noam just just lashed out my heart is racing he scared me an grabbed my arm where TJ did."
Liv- " get dressed an me Zo,Cass, and Carmella will be in a Limousine to pick you guys up an head to the training center." Texting back a thumbs up I walk out an tell Noam the plan as he still set on the edge of the bed looking like someone killed a puppy and both continued to get ready.

Nightmare on Noam St. (Noam Dar Fanfic<3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora