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(Y/N) Phantomhive. The first born child to Rachel and Vincent Phantomhive and elder sister to Ciel Phantomhive.  She was undoubtedly one of the more outlandish women of her time.

As a young Victorian lady, she had an awful lot of time on her hands. Not being allowed a proper education and only being taught 'womanly duties' never sat right with her. She was a Phantomhive after all. Sewing and learning to raise children when unappealing to her so she opted for more 'masculine' subjects. She had persuaded her father to give her sporting lessons such as sword fighting and archery. Many saw this as an odd and foolish thing for a young lady of her stature to do but being of such a high status, the Phantomhive's couldn't care.

(Y/N) wasn't the small dainty lady like many other women of her age. She was practical, strong and knew how to handle herself when unwanted suitors attempted to make their move on. But try as they might, it came to no avail.

Her father would just smirk and put a hand on her shoulder and praise her for standing up for herself but give her a gentle reminder that she would have to marry soon. Whereas her mother would lecture her for the next few days about how to act lady like but eventually laugh it off as a small rebellious phase.

She was happy in her life, helping around the gardens and spending her time self teaching in the Phantomhive manor library. Apart from the odd lesson on knitting and dancing, she was content. She loved her family, she was especially close with her brother and family butler Tanaka.

Until the night of the fire. The life she had all changed so quickly when the fire happened.  Terrified, the 16 year old (Y/n) ran to find her beloved little brother Ciel but upon finding him being kidnapped by a cult and finding her parents she loved so dearly dead in her manor office. She tried to escape the manor as the ceiling started to crumble and burn and as the walls were set a blaze, she ran to the highest window in the estate and leapt. Hoping to at least fall onto a bush or a tree, she fell straight onto the cobble stones below.


~Time skip 3 years later~

~Ciel P.O.V~

Looking up from the copious amount of paper work on the desk in front of me, I pinched the bridge of my nose. Frustrated from the amount of offers and business deals sent to me from low quality companies looking to make a few pounds.

"Honestly, they must think I'm dim to believe that I would find this offer  acceptable. Ridiculous, the nerve of some people".

I suddenly heard a knock on my office door. I called out to the person behind the door to enter, slightly relieved for a moment that it was Sebastian.

"I have your Earl Grey and a chocolate tart, My Lord. Be sure to leave room for dinner, it will be served within the next hour".

Sebastian set down the try, the silver glinting in the evening sun. I wasn't hungry, at least not now. My mind has been far too occupied with work to think about food, not to mention the anniversary to my family's death is nearing.

"Yes, well it seems I would prefer a light dinner tonight. My appetite seems to have  vanished as of late".

"I shall make note to tell Bard. Any requests, My Lord?"

I waved my hand as I set my teacup down. Sebastian bowed at my action, turning to leave.

"Before I go, might I ask a question, My Lord?"

"I suppose. Continue".

Sebastian turns back to face me.

"You seem rather on edge lately, might there be a reason as to why? I assume it has nothing to do with the Queen as she has sent no word to us in the past week".

Till death due us part (Undertaker x Reader LEMON)Where stories live. Discover now