Human Emotion - Chapter 3

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- Ciel P.O.V -

I had god awful nightmares last night, it seems that my dreams get worse as
(Y/N)'s death anniversary grows nearer.

I sat up in bed as Sebastian enters the room, pulling the curtains open and letting in the early spring sun.

"Good morning, Young Master. It seems you're up rather early this morning. Would you like breakfast outside in the gardens? It seems that the warmer weather has finally arrived"

"No, that won't be necessary. Indoors will suit me just fine"

Sebastian bows as he gives me the morning news paper as well as letters that had been delivered.

"Scotland yard I presume?"

He asks while heading towards the wardrobe.

"Quite so, seems another murder has happened near Whitechapel. I wonder if it's to be related to the others"

Sebastian turns back towards me as he walks from the wardrobe, clothes in hand.

"Shall I request a visit to Undertaker? I believe he would have the information on the body"

I glare at him as he helps me dress.

"I'm quite aware of that, thank you. No, proper a carriage for this noon. I don't particularly fancy wasting anymore time on this case"

He finished tying my shoes and bows, taking the news paper with him.

"Very well, My Lord"

The rest if the morning went as standard. Breakfast, more paperwork and so on, but I couldn't shake that something I couldn't quite put my finger on it but something seemed rather strange this morning.

A knock at the door shakes me from my thoughts and I look up from my work, realising that I've stared at the same form for about half an hour.

"You may come in"

I answer, Sebastian walks in and stands in front of my desk.

"My Lord, it seems Lady Elizabeth has arrived unannounced and has requested she come with you into London this noon"

I pinch my nose bridge, annoyance dressing my face.

"I have told her to stop doing tha-"


I heard fast footsteps heading towards my study. Elizabeth bursts into my study and pulls me out of my chair into a death grip hug.

"Oh pleeeeaase can I come with you! It would be so much fun!"

Paula soon came running through the door and into my office, almost running into Sebastian in the process.

"My Lady, please don't run off like that. You had me worried!"

I roll my eyes as I get near strangled to death by my fiancee's hug.

"If it would make you happy, then yes, you can come with us to London"

Elizabeth laughed and then pulled me through the door and down to the main entrance. Talking about how I need some cuter clothes the entire way down.

If today wasn't going to be a strenuous one, it will now.


- (Y/N) P.O.V -

It had been around two weeks since I woke up from my soul sleep. My memories came back bit by bit and I could almost walk by myself again. The morning after I woke up was a strange one, having to do basic daily tasks was exhausting. Whether it be brushing my teeth, getting dressed, even going to the bathroom was odd.

Till death due us part (Undertaker x Reader LEMON)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora