An Uncomfortable Situation ~ Chapter 8

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('s a new chapter xx)

~ (Y/n) P.O.V. ~

"So...what exactly have I missed?"

I say as I lean on the door frame with crossed arms. I see Spears wipe his nose with a handkerchief and fix himself up a little bit Adrian moved away from William and sat on the top of a nailed down coffin.

"Nothing important, my dear"

He asserted as he shot William a death glance. Spears eventually regained his composure.

"Yes, nothing important. Now, onto the reason that I'm here"

He said as he placed his spear paid of glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Ah yes, the reason that was so important that you interrupted us having sex. What is that reason if I may be so bold to ask?"

I stand there just looking at both of them, beyond confused at this point.

"You-" William points at me "- Should be dead. Or a reaper at least with the way you died"

That's when I finally get a good look at William. His glasses split at the bridge with a crack running through the right lens. A light bruise slowly developing from where Adrian punched him and a slight blush forming on his cheeks and the top of his ears.

"You know my dear, for an old man you really did some fucking damage"

I said jokingly to Adrian. He looks at me with a pout and a look that could kill.

"I'm not old"

He spoke lowly, his voice still slightly raspy from arguing with the other reaper. The sound of a throat clearing caught both our attentions, I looked back at William who was impatiently tapping his foot on the floor.

"You are old, you're a retired washed up reaper. If you can even call yourself that now -"

Adrian looks like he wants to punch him again. Maybe kill him even.

"- anyway, back to the business at hand".

"Yes, please continue talking. Because that really helped you not get punched to the floor in 3 seconds flat"

"I'm only doing my job, and a few minutes ago you were also doing my job"

He looks me up and down then looks back to the book in his hand, the pages slightly bent at the top were it had hit the floor.

"What do you mean by your jo-"

"You need to come with me and be registered as a new reaper. Your eyes have already started to turn green and soon your eyesight with start to deteriorate"

I look back to a few minutes ago to when I was in the bathroom. My eyes had always been (e/c), they stood out to the rest of my families but now they were slightly tinted a bright green colour.

"Deteriorate? So I'll be blind?"

"No, not necessarily. You'll just need high prescription glasses. If you have an existing pair then we can just adjust your current spectacle frames"

Adrian slid over towards me. One hand on my waist, the other lifting my chin so I was facing him. His eyes branded into my own. Those eyes. Green, bright and hunted. Ones that had lived a thousand lives.

"They indeed do seem to be turning. Maybe that's why you slipped yesterday. Good thing I was there to catch you, we wouldn't want that pretty body of yours to be damaged now would we?"

I could practically feel him looking into my soul, studying me as he's done so many times before. But his face has seemed to change, not as smug and relaxed as usual. Closer to being worried but I know he wouldn't let William see that side of him.

"I'm still here by the way"

I turn to look at the deadpan reaper infront of us. Pulling away slightly and regaining composure.


"Thank you. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, you need to come with me. I don't trust you being with the likes of him"

Adrian had moved to hold me from behind. Protecting me from being taken beyond my will.

"So you came all this way to tell me that I need to get my eyesight checked? William, I'm a woman. It will take months for me to get a prescription done here in London. Most men don't even listen to me when I go to the bakery let alone listen to me over a medical reason"

"We don't care what gender you are in the underworld. We're all the same, we're all dead in one way or another"

Adrian let out a small laugh, coming off almost as a sign.

"Yes, that does seem to be the case. But a prescription isn't why you're here is it Spears?"

I feel his grip on me tighten more, pulling me back closer to him. His long hair brushing agains my shoulders, his body practically towered over me even without his heels on.

"That is correct. You need to come with me, an unregistered reaper is a danger to not only themselves but to those around them. You'll be a supernatural target to others from the underworld. If you're not careful, you might find yourself deceased once again"

I sharply inhale at that thought. Sick to my stomach of dying once again, this time it wouldn't be on purpose either. This time it would be murder.

"You may be getting stronger due to the transformation from human to a supernatural being but you are still weak in the eyes of others in our world. Why, you wouldn't even last a week on your own"

"That's enough!"

Adrian shouted, startling me a bit. His composure was slowly slipping away. The aura he usually has of light heartedness has shifted to a dangerous and almost feral one.

"Under my supervision, she won't be harmed"

"Ah yes, you're right. She'll be perfectly safe with you, that is until a stray demon or angel find out about her. Or another being gets her while she's alone. At least, consider the options of her survival before you speak on her behalf. She'd be safer in the reaping realm"

Adrian was quiet. Contemplating an answer or maybe a witty come back but...he said nothing. He turned me around to look at him gently and sighed.

"To some degree he's right, as much as I want to deny it. I care about you and want you to be safe but I also don't want you being under management such as his"

He shoots William a glare that could kill a man. William just stood, calm and collected as always but I knew he was smirking. He got his way.

"What....what do you want to do?"

Adrian asked, eyes covered in concern. Oh those eyes, the same as William's but unlike no others.

What should I do?..

Hello children. I look pretty good for a dead bitch. I know I have said that I wouldn't be continuing with this story but I found this chapter barely started in my drafts and decided to finish it.

I might make some updates to older chapters since a goid few things are off and spelt wrong but....this might be the start of me writing again. After about 2 years, I think you guys deserve a new chapter and I'm sorry if it's not the best but for now it will do.

So until next time, thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day xx

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