The Man- Chapter one

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- Your P.O.V -

Everything feels hazy now. The timeline between that night and now is a blur. A jumble of noises and colours, nothing but shapes and sounds. I need to wake up...wake up....WAKE UP.

- Flash Back -

My throat burns, I've ran all around the estate to find my brother. After finding our parents mutilated in the study, I fear of what could become of my dear little brother.

Tears stream down my face, blurring my vision as I ran through the halls. Everything looks the same now, it feels like I'm running in circles. The windows beginning to cloud from the smoke build up. My breathing is restricted and my lungs burn, coughing will do no good. The sky outside a blazing orange reminiscent of napalm and autumn leaves.

Through the cracks of a window I can see my brother being taken, forced from my life. I have nothing now, I can't get there in could I? They thought I was dead from the smoke and left me to burn. The smell of burn hair thick in the air.

The window is almost completely blown out, the glass falling to the ground below. With all the strength I have left, I push the window open, the broken glass cutting my hands in the process. I want to die...I want this nightmare to end. I feel like screaming but now I can feel my vision start to fade as my body begins to feels like I'm falling...I'm falling.

I'm fall-

- End of Flash Back -

I can feel myself come to, everything feels so I dead?

Is this death? Where am I? Heaven? Hell? Purgatory?

I can feel air, I can breathe. Why can I breathe? My head hurts. It's as if I've been in a year long sleep that I've only just woke up from. Is this it? Is this all I am now? Just dark pain and suffering from all eternity...

"All I accomplished in life...has gone to waste and for what?"

"It'□ t▪︎Me 7O w-#e ¡p"

I hear a noise. No, a voice, call put to me through the inky abyss that I am in. I feel like I'm floating...or am I sinking?

"You --ed t□ W/k3 u9"

It's louder this time, closer to me than before. It feels welcoming and familiar, like I've heard it before while I was alive.

"□ak3 up!"

I can feel shadows around me, like ghosts grabbing at me from all around. They're pulling me to someone.



- Undertaker's P.O.V -

Out of all the souls I've dealt with, out of all the reapers I've trained and worked along side, she has been the most stubborn to wake up. It's been almost four years that I've been trying to get her to shift, to wake her up but to no avail.

Fortunately, in recent months, she's been making progress. Her skin started to heal, her hair started to grow, but she looks paler now than she did before, any lively colour drained from her skin. She looks dead and she is but her souls is slowly turning into one of a reaper.

He will be here soon...I can feel it already. He'll be here to take her away the minute he can but I won't let him, not with her in this state. I owe Vincent that much after the events if that night...poor soul.

The procedure to wake up a new reaper say the least. All souls the have taken their own life become part of the reaping world, HOW they take their lives on the other hand determines how easy or how difficult it is for the being to shift. Her death was a special case.

The circumstances in which she died where biased. She wasn't scheduled to die for another 50 years but her death also didn't seem like a seemed like a murder. She was meant to survive those events at the manor but she fell from the highest window. The only evidence against the idea that her death was a murder was her final thoughts. 'I want to die, I want this nightmare to end' stood out and determined her death a suicide in the reaping world.

I broke my biscuit in half as I dipped it into my tea, an afternoon routine as of late. I watch over her body while on breaks from the parlour, just to make sure she doesn't wake up alone.

I move from the table where my tea sat and made my way to where she rests. Such a beautiful thing. I doubt she remembers me now, she was so young when we first met. Such a boisterous little one she was. 'A handful' as described by Rachel and Vincent but I never thought she would end up this way. I knew one day I would have the Phantomhive's in my parlour, I just never imagined it would be so soon.

I watched them grow, live and die. I didn't know the Phantomhive children as much as I knew Vincent but I never dreamed of them ending in such a harmful and violent fashion...

I sigh left me as I prepared to revive her once more. I'm not too hopeful but it will never hurt to try once more.

I place my hands on her torso and try to pull her back to this realm.

"Come on, dear. It's time to wake up"

I can feel her slowly coming to.

"You need to wake up"

I finally have grasp on her soul, it's dark and ruined...its a reapers soul now. Slowly dying and turning into a supernatural being.

"Wake up!"

She's almost back, fully back. Three years have finally paid off.



~Your P.O.V~

Overwhelming brightness welcomes me as I shoot up from where I'm laying. I took a violent inhale of air, my lungs no longer feeling as if they are set ablaze. My surroundings are unfamiliar, everything still blurry as I adjust to the harsh light in the room. I whip my head around to who or what could possibly be in the room with me.

My somach drops as I notice a tall man dressed head to toe in black. The atmosphere around him feels intense but welcoming. I'm scared but I know I'm not in any danger here, I'm safe...I'm confused...I'm alive.

"Ah, what a lovely sight you are. Awake at last. How are you feeling, dearie?"

"I- Ugh...ehm...Disoriented, if it weren't obvious. Mind telling me your name, I would much appreciate it if I knew who I was in the presence of"

I cough and slurr a little as I speak, my voice horse after not being used in so long. I glare at the man as he walks closer to me, lowering his face to mine.

"My name is Adrian Crevan, I believe we have met on a different occasion years before this, my dear"

Adrian Crevan...I know that name...where have I heard that name before?

Whoop whoop! Got another chapter edited! Hopefully you enjoy how the the story is going more than the last and if you're reading it for the first missed a whole year for 15 year old me's writing. There was uh....Sebaciel shit that I wanted to take out and the thing just needed an overall revamp and edit. Hope you enjoyed!


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