Steady Growth - Chapter Two

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- (Y/N) P.O.V-

Adrian caught me up to speed on the events of that night. I've only been awake a few hours and already everything feels like it has changed.

"I see...this all feels so surreal, as if I have just woken from a dream. And what about Ciel, anything on his were abouts as of late?"

He pours me another cup of tea as we talk. The plate in front of me empty as I have finished my third serving of food, it appears that being in a spiritual holding cell for almost 4 years can work up quite the appetite.

The back room of the parlour was sparsely decorated with only a table, chairs and a small kitchen located in the corner.

"You'll be relieved to know that he is still alive and living in the Phantomhive manor"

I pause just as I lift my cup to my lips, looking at him wide eyed.


"The manor was rebuilt after the fire. The entire estate burned to the ground, nothing but ashes and broken memories of the past. Yes, Ciel is still part of the living and now have a very...peculiar butler at his side at all times"

"That seems a bit vague...and I certainly wouldn't call Tanaka 'peculiar', he's always been a loyal servant of the Phantomhive family"

"I wasn't talking about Tanaka. I would not have deemed him as such if I were. The young master seems to have a one of a kind servant at his side, one who's contract isn't as easily broken"

I furrow my brow at his remark.

"Contract? What kind?"

He smirks at me, a devilish playfulness on his face as he moves his fringe out of his face to look me in the eye.

"The soul binding kind".

I was about to respond but was stalled when I smelt something coming from the corner of the room. I take a sip of my tea and place my cup back down into the hard wood table, the varnish worn away from decades of use.

"I do believe your kitchen is on fire, My good sir"

He stopped smirking and whipped around to see smoke coming from his oven.


I laugh a little as he takes out a try of burn bone biscuits, wafting away the smoke with a kitchen towel. He forcefully places the try down on the stove top and opens the door leading to the shop.

"Well, we can't eat these can we"

He says walking back over to the try, picking up on of the now extremely crispy and burnt biscuits. It snaps in half like charcoal as he places it back down and proceeds to wipe his hands with the kitchen towel as he sits back down at the table.

"Won't your customers wonder what the burning smell is? Surely business wouldn't be too popular if they though you were going to cremate their passed loved ones"

I say jokingly, looking him in the eye.

"The shop isn't open on Sundays. And besides, I have no bodies in the parlour at the moment. Business is slow at this time of year"

I nod in understand and stand up. Adrian catches me before I collapse to the ground, my legs still not used to holding my body weight after them not being in use for a few years.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I forget that I am still not steady on my legs. It must be getting late any way, my I ask where I shall be retiring to?"

Adrian helps me up and heads towards a narrow set if stairs.

"I have a small spare room in the attic, it isn't much but it has a bed and a small bathroom to the right. You shall stay there until further notice"

I nod, pulling the slightly too small nightgown further down my ankles.

"I must ask, was it really necessary for you to manhandle me?"

He let's out a small chuckle.

"Yes, my dear. Unless you want to climb the stairs yourself? I'm sure you'd be able to scale half of them by tomorrow morning"

I remain quiet, I know he meant well but I do feel a little exposed. After my body not being in much use for almost four years, my height didn't change much. I'm not sure how I look now, not having seen a mirror just yet, I must be a frightful sight by now.

We get to the attic and I am placed on the edge if the bed.

"If you need anything, just yell. I don't sleep often so if you're in need then I shall be at your service whenever"

I thank him before he heads back out into the living area.

"My, what a day it has been. I wonder what tomorrow will bring...another dreary day maybe"

I say to myself as I drift off to sleep, exhausted from the dizziness that the day had brought.

- Adrian's P.O.V -

I shut her door and head back down stairs, still annoyed that I burnt the bone biscuits.

"Hm..that's what I get for losing track of time then, eh?"

I throw the biscuits away then wash and put away the dishes. She seemed hungry today, then again I'm not surprised. I was when I woke up as well, ghastly thing to go through that is.

I think back to earlier when I first helped her up to sit at the table. She felt so cold, she felt dead but after a few hours it seemed that the colour had returned to her face slightly and she felt a lot more...human.

"Seems she's turning a lot slower than anticipated now she's awake..."

She doesn't look how she did when I found her. She may now have grown in height but she definitely matured. That tends to happen when humans turn to reapers, depending on the age that is.

She needs to rest for now, her body and mind need to catch up. I know the changed will speed up the more she's awake and the more she moves.

And I'll do everything in my power to help her.

Fuck yeah! That's 3 chapters now edited! Yes the story is DRASTICALLY different but that's what I wanted. I wanted a revamp and I hope you enjoyed the new edited chapters so far. On the the next!


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