Heartfelt Decisions ~ Chaper 9

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Adrian P.O.V

She decided it would be safer if she went with William. I don't blame her, she would be in danger here and he made a valid point that I wouldn't always be there to protect her.  She leaves in Three days.

Three days I have with her. I'm going to make them the best she has had with me. I fully aware that she will come home to see me when she can but I don't want to be apart from her, especially around Him.

After she made her decision, William left to tell the higher ups that there will be a new reaper joining. Although, if he mentioned the likes of me then things will probably not go down to pleasantly.

As of right now, (Y/n) has been helping me with the shop as usual. She's been clinging on to me a lot more recently and I have been doing the same so there's no reason to complain there. I gifted her some things to take with her so she doesn't forget me.

"As if I'd forget you, my love"

She had told me but I can still fear that she'll leave me for another. I am indeed what she said. Old. Ancient to some. Someone her age would definitely be more suited to her for many reasons but no one could treat her like I do. No one could live her like me and no one, man or woman, demon or angel, could fuck her like I can.

The day passing after he left was strange. She would say sorry for her decision but there is no apology needed. It was her decision, the safer decision.

"I'm doing this for you too, my dear"

She said.

"I couldn't bare to be the reason you'd be harmed or feeling blue"

I know she meant well. I know she does. But I still wish there was more I could do to keep her safe. Keep her here. With me. And only me.

I may be possessive to some. Maybe even controlling in others eyes but I only do this out of love. Out of pure concern for her and her alone. I do not wish to hear what others think or say about me. As long as she is safe, she is happy and she is cared for.

That's all that matters to me.

The morning after was quiet. Still in the parlour, the dust settled on the counters and the sunlight flowed through the curtains of our room. She looked so beautiful here in my arms, in my bed. No matter how much she says she isn't desirable or is ugly, she's never been so wrong about something in her life. To me, she's the sun in my dark world. The rose in my garden of thorns.

She looks more like a reaper with every passing moment. Her eyes were a different colour after that day. From the beautiful (e/c) they once were to the same shade as the green flash that comes over the ocean at sunset. Her complexion had changed, her skin became smoother and she seemed to be practically glowing.

She was a sight for the ages but only for my eyes. I will truly miss her when she leaves.

Two days left. Sunday had gone in the blink of an eye. A letter in the post came that Monday morning, a notice of her acceptance into the reaping world. A bittersweet welcome signed William T. Spears. It was almost as if he was taunting me through office supplies. Strange how irritating he can be even through the markings of a quill and ink.

She had told Ciel and his demon of the meeting with William, leaving out the crucial detail that he had arrived while she was getting a lazy morning fuck. He was just as concerned as I but more annoyed with how she had agreed to even consider the idea. Sebastian greeted her the same but he knew what she was, what she is rapidly turning into. A god of death itself.

I took her for a walk that evening. To a small clearing near the edge of the Phantomhive estate. Wild flowers bloomed in the grass near he edge of the small stream near by, the stars bright in the sky and the sound of music coming from nothing but a hum from my lips. We danced for a second underneath the star blanketed sky soon heading back to her former home.

Tuesday, the last day.

She packed her belongings into a case, ready for tomorrow's departure. Tears rolling from her now bright green eyes. Stolen kisses and intertwined hands was how most of the day was spent. I had closed the shop early for personal reasons, leaving the world outside behind.

That night, the room was filled with rhythmic thrusts and moans danced through the cool midnight air. Entangled in eachothers bodys, the headboard still broken from just days before. It had all happened so fast. From needing eachother naked and screaming to a passionate, heavy goodbye. Her chest bruised like the petels of a rose, my arms adorned with purple crescent moons from not wanting to let go.

I never wanted that night to end. It had to eventually but in that moment, it was no one else except two people showing eachother how infatuated they were with eachother. Black silk sheets slipping from the mattress to the floor, the sounds of lovers going at it like bunnies in a rut lingered in the cold night. This time, it wasn't a hum we were dancing to but a symphony of loving cries.

The morning hit liked a brick through a glass window. Loud and heavy, shattering the reality we had made that night. Getting ready to leave was filled with tears, hands held together like ribbons and kisses.

A hard knock on the parlour door came early in the morning. William was here, along with his red clad companion. (Y/n) had gotten along with Grell very well, even after the incident with her aunt. Grell was just happy she was going to have a roommate and (Y/n) was happy she was living with a friend.

A hard kiss goodbye and a loving exchange of words was all there was time for. Back to the days of working alone and accidentally burning the bone cookies had already insued.

How I will miss my love so dearly, I hope she visits soon. I wish to tell her just how much I love her, but for now a goodbye letter in her suitcase will be as good as I can do.

Two chapters?! In one day after two years of writers block?! I know, shocking. I want to try and write the remaining chapters of this fanfic in the kinda of wording they would have used back in Victorian times or at least try and make it sounds better. I think I went over poetic with this character but oh well.

I will definitely been looking into editing the older chapters at some point of time and hopefully I'm able to keep this up.

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter too xxx

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