1. interviews & pr

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"So y/n, the listeners want to know what you think of Shawn?"
"Shawn Mendes you mean? He seems like a funny guy."
The interviewer smirked, "Just funny? Come on, we've all seen the twitter flirting."
I laughed, "Well that's not awkward at all, he's awesome I guess." I realized how dumb I sound, and hoped we could start talking about my new album.

I cringed as I walked out of the radio room. I knew both mine and Shawn's fan bases would be going crazy after my awkward as fuck answer. I tried to forget about it. Shawn is pretty hot, and he seems really nice but I only met him like twice and everyone is shipping us, which makes everything weird.

I could hear my fans screaming as I got closer to the exit of the building. I immediately forgot about the cringey conversation and looked forward to meeting my supporters. I pulled my jacket tighter around myself to brace against the London cold.

On my way to the car I took a few selfies with fans and said hello to the cameras of their phones. I heard some questions about Shawn, again, and decided to pretend I didn't. I had nothing to say on the subject, but when you freeze up after being asked a question about someone everyone thinks you like, it seems like you are madly obsessed with them and just shy.

I had a day full of interviews and tomorrow I was performing at the Capital FM Summerball, which I was super excited for - "Y/N, Shawn's gonna be at the Summerball tomorrow so I want to see some conversation between you two, it's good for publicity." My PR manager, Rachael, broke my train of thought. I ignored her, and took a gulp of my energy drink.

I opened up my phone, only to be flooded with twitter memes of my interview. They weren't offensive, just claiming that me and Shawn were "defo into each other !!! OTPPPP !!!". I heard my PR manager tell me her plan for tomorrow to make sure it looks like Shawn and I are a thing.

"Can you stop trying to make me and another 18 year old uncomfortable?? We're young adults we don't need to be matched by you! He seems like a great guy and he's definitely good looking, but I would rather choose my boyfriends myself." Rachael looked at me stunned. My bodyguards smirked at each other, they both hate her.

Shawn and I were often talked about as a future couple since we were both 18 and successful singers. I guess it's possible, but I don't know if that's what I really want.

young and in love | shawn x readerWhere stories live. Discover now