2. summertime ball & shawn

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I woke up that morning super pumped for the day. I rolled over in my bed to turn off the alarm and checked my messages. Rachael, Rachael, Rachael and - hold the fuck up. Shawn texted me? For a second I had no idea why I had his number, but remembered that time we met on the red carpet and he gave me his number.

Hey y/n, excited to see you at the ball today


I stopped myself. Am I in to Shawn? Has everyone trying to get me with him gotten me to actually be attracted to him?

Whatever, I started to come up with a chill but nice text to send back.

It's gonna be so good OMGGGGG SO PUMPED

no. He might be super nice, but that type of text is what I send to my friends when I see a hottie irl.

hey shawn, yeah I'm excited too xx

Too vague, I hate these type of texts that seem uninterested.

hey, yeah it's gonna be really fun! can't wait for your set xx

I read it about 10 times, and concluded it's a good final draft. I pressed send before I could change my indecisive mind.

I got butterflies in my stomach, and wondered about how it could be possible that yesterday I wasn't in to Shawn and now I am.

I looked through his Instagram feed, and realized that I never really appreciated how beautiful this boy actually was. I switched back to my Instagram page and scrolled through it as if I was him. Suddenly a notification popped up, and then another one.

@shawnmendes liked your picture

@shawnmendes commented on your post : so dope 😍

The picture he commented on was a picture of me infront of a sunset, way back when I went to Maldives. I squealed really loud. I forced myself to calm down and opened up my curtains. I got dressed in leggings and a hoodie and went down to eat. The breakfast room in the hotel was bursting with people, so I slipped in to the area my manager had cut off from the rest of the restaurant. My body guards were there and so were make up artists. I grabbed some fruit and waffles, plopped down on an empty table and started eating.

I checked my phone:


My favourite make up artists, Jasmine and Sheila, who are also two of my best friends came over and told me I have 20 minutes before they need to start getting me ready for the ball.

I mumbled a yes through my waffles and they luckily understood what I meant.

They went up to my room to prepare the make up and I got a call from my wardrobe ladies that the outfit was upstairs and ready for me.

After eating I got in the elevator, and it was obvious I was with my fans because they began to whisper to each other and poke each other. One of them came towards me and asked me for a picture. Obviously I said yes, so we did and then the elevator stopped and they got off.

Things like that always make my day way better, just seeing them so happy makes me so happy.

I unlocked my suite to be invited with my playlist playing on speakers and people running around frantically. I got pulled along to the make up seat and suddenly I had a white robe on that was the comfiest thing ever.

My manager was telling me how the day would commence, Sheila and Jasmine were applying a light amount of makeup since that's how I like it and my wardrobe staff were being the nicest people ever after introducing themselves. They showed me the different outfits they had prepared, but one stood out to me. It was a bit edgy but still cute. It had a cool vibe and I really liked that so I ended up wearing it.

Everything became a blur from then to the red carpet at the venue. Lots of stress about being on time and shit like that.

I got out of the car and quickly escorted in to the building on a golf cart which I had to snapchat since it was lit. I heard screaming of fans and loud music.

On the red carpet, I got asked questions about Shawn and about my new album. The whole time was great just for some reason I was looking out for Shawn. Hoping he would appear in a crowd, being ushered by security, or talking to a fan. But no, I didn't see him for a long time.

I was waiting backstage watching Olly Murs perform, and just singing along to his songs when someone tapped me on the shoulder.


I turn around to see the hottest guy ever. It's Shawn. I try to be chill and act normal but inside I'm pissing my pants. He's way more good looking in person, which I thought was impossible.

"Oh hi! I was looking for you!"

Oh god. Way to sound like a creep.

He chuckled. "Me too."

There was an awkward silence that seemed to last forever.

He spoke up. "You look really ho - good today." His face flushed red.

I almost choked, knowing how awkward this conversation was, but I always tell myself that the other person also knows it's awkward so it's fine.

"Thanks." Wow what a great response y/n, really great. "Im really pumped for your set by the way, it's gonna be great!" Motivational mom 101.

He smiled and we talked for a bit longer, the conversation becoming smoother and easier to handle.

A lady with a clipboard and headset pulled me away and directed me to the stage. "Your time to shine, honey."

I laughed, and mentally prepared myself for the roaring audience. I was beginning to feel nervous, but I felt someone next to me.

"You again haha." I said. Oh lord.

"Yep." He looked down at me. "Just wanted to say good luck, you're gonna do awesome."

"Thanks." We exchanged a lingering smile until I heard a going on in 30 seconds rumble in my ear.

"Well I gotta go, see you later?"

"See you later." He walked away with his hands in his pockets.

Well that went well, I told myself. At least you had an actual conversation with him.

That's when my music began and I jumped on stage.

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