4. airports & trailer park boys

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I wiped away the steam forming on my bathroom mirror, to see my bare face and a towel wrapped on top of my head to dry my freshly showered hair. With one hand I held up my white fluffy "Sofitel" branded towel, and with the other I picked up my phone that was ringing like crazy.

Rachael PR is calling..

I picked up with a chirpy, sarcastic "Good morning my favourite PR manager!"

"Cut the shit y/n."

Rachael and me have a satire kind of mother daughter relationship, since we're so close.

"What are you calling for?" I ask Rachael as I leave my bathroom and start picking out my outfit for the day.

"Well, this might come as a shock to you," she said sarcastically, "but Shawn is leaving to Canada today."

"Yes I know that."

"His manager just revealed to me that Shawn wants to write a song with you."

"Wait really?"

"Yes!!!" She squealed and I could hear her trying to compose herself.

"Oh my fucking god yes!!!!"

This means I would be able to spend even more time with him, which I want to since he seems like he would be a great friend. Also he's not an eyesore, which helps.

"Do you want to?"


"Haha that's good because I already said you would, so you're leaving to Canada with Shawn today."


"Yeah so get packing. Flights at 2 pm so you have 6 hours to get packed, ready and on the plane next to him."

"Jesus Christ ok are you coming with me?"

"No I'm not gonna cockblock."

"You're making me go to Canada with a guy I met three times for about 2 seconds?"

"Uhh .. yes. But don't worry I'm going to come in a week, also Lucy and Lars are coming with you, they'll pick you up."

"Oh my god alright I'll go get ready then."

"Go get it girl!"

"See you in a week!"

I hung up and sat down to think about this situation. Yes, yes, yes!!

After a while of silent freaking out I got up and took out my suitcase to fill up.

Luckily, as always, I packed way too much for a weekend in London before I knew I was going to Canada so I had extra clothes that were perfectly clean.

When I finished with that, I applied light make up as usual and just had my hair down because if I'm traveling with such a hot guy might as well try to look ok.

I looked in the mirror and was happy with the overall chill but cute look. I checked my phone and saw a text from Shawn that made me so happy and confident that the flight wouldn't be that awkward.

shawn m. : hey y/n!! I'll see you at the gate ( which is A6 btw ) and I hope you're as excited for this duet as I am (:

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