12. epiphany

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03:26 am
I stood impatiently in the large arrival hall at LAX, dressed in a black mini dress covered with a tropical themed bomber jacket. My Reeboks squeaked on the floor as I lifted myself up on my tippie toes to try and see the people coming out of the actual airport.

My eyes were searching for the brown messy quiff and sharp jawline amongst other travellers. A family, a couple, a business woman, a teen, but no Shawn.

Lars tapped me on the shoulder and said "You know his plane only landed 10 minutes ago right?"

"That means he must be here any moment!!" I exclaimed and carried on craning my head towards the doors.

Lars let out a deep chuckle, but looked equally as excited to see Shawn.

I ran my hand through my soft hair, brushing it temporarily out of my face. I hadn't seen him for so long, and I just wanted to breathe in his cologne again.

Lars Body posture shot back straight up as he said "Oh! Look!"

I looked, and I saw him. His hair distinct from the others, him dressed in a simple black t shirt and grey sweatpants but he looked so GOOD.

I didn't want to attract much attention, but the arrivals hall was almost empty.

His security led him to us, and as soon as he saw me his eyes lit up.

I ran towards him and as his arms enveloped me in a long, deep hug I couldn't believe I had gone so long without him.

He pecked me on the lips, since we don't like to make out in public. He put me down and smiled down at me. He took my hand and whispered sweet things in to my ear as security escorted us out of the airport.

There weren't many people around so we didn't have to take any pictures or deal with a large crowd of fans.

I couldn't wait to curl up in bed with him shirtless, Krispy Kreme donuts and just talk about everything like we always do.

We got seated in a sleek black Range Rover and I sat as close to him as possible, his hand resting on my thigh. He threw back his head to lay on the head rest and closed his eyes with a smile on his face.


"What do you mean what?"

"Why are you smiling with your eyes closed?"

"Because I'm happy that I'm with you."

After announcing this, he turned his head to look at me, tiredness visible in his eyes.

I rested my head on his shoulder as we drove to the hotel, where soon we could both take a well deserved nap.

The rest of the night was a blur, both of us tired and just wanting to be together.

Ever since we started dating, I realized my life had been way more pleasant and warm, not as harsh as before. There was someone who understood the problems I had as a young artist because he was also a young artist which made my life way more easier.

It's hard to explain, but it's almost as if I was living in a bubble, protected from everything bad. Even bad news didn't get to me anymore. It was a weird feeling.

I had a lot of stuff to do, like film my new music video for my new song, and a lot of interviews. My merch was coming out soon and Rachael wants me to start a tour.

But right now all I wanted was to be wrapped up in his arms.

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