9. pasta & pictures

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"You wanna see me today?"

"Obviously, baby." I said in to the phone, with one hand rumbling around in my toiletry bag for my make up brushes.

"I'll make some dinner for us at my house, since it's more private."

"That sounds really great." I smiled and leaned against the marble bathroom counter.

"Great, I'll text you the time I'll pick you up."



"What's the matter?"

"I don't want to hang up."

"Jesus Christ Shawn, don't be like the clingy couple."

He laughed and I could hear his manager calling his name.

"Hey I gotta go but I'll see you later."

"Yup, I'll be waiting."

With that we both hung up. The whole new dating thing made me a bit awkward, which I hoped would pass.

Lucy texted me that some fans were waiting outside the hotel, so I got Lars to come down with me to meet them.

As I got closer to the large glass front doors of the hotel I heard the screaming get louder. I started to see some guys holding phones up at me, and a group of girls blasting my latest song.

"Hey guys!!"

The screams got almost deafening when I realized there were about 70 more people around the corner, and they all came running at me.

Lars started making a small circle around me, occasionally letting in a fan for a picture or a chat. A few girls were crying and begging me to talk to them, so obviously I did. They were taking pictures with flash right in my eyes, which I tried to ignore. The whole time the screams of my name were only getting more impatient and loud.

I started getting more nervous and anxious, it felt like everyone was closing in and I couldn't breathe. The girls that were crying tried to get past Lars again, but he refused and told them they can't get another picture, there are way too many people.

Lars spoke in to his headset and on command two more body guards came out of the building. I felt a little more comfortable after they joined Lars and I. I love my fans, I do, but when they get hyper or excited they can forget I'm a real person.

I started to feel lightheaded and extremely thirsty so I tugged on Lars's shirt and he took me back inside. I sat down on the lobby couch and chugged from the cold, heavenly water bottle that was handed to me by a lady from the hotel.

The fans were trying to get in to the hotel, and the security were struggling to get them out. I felt terrible, since I provoked the excitement of the fans but I really wanted to go see them.

I had an idea. I got up and as I got closer to the door the people started freaking out more. I saw phones slamming on the doors and red faces, but I knew someone would get hurt if i didn't do something. I got Lars and the other guys to make sure no one tried to rip off my clothes or my hair. ( happened before. )

The lady who gave me the water bottle handed me a loud speaker to talk in to, so I thankfully accepted. Once outside, I shouted in to the speaker.


The crowd responded by shushing each other and soon enough there were only excited whispers.

young and in love | shawn x readerWhere stories live. Discover now