5. late night texts & puppy love

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We landed in Toronto safely, and when we got inside the airport and were waiting for our bags, super sleepy and ready to get in to a real bed. Shawn looked adorable with his messy hair and red cheeks. I checked my story which was filled Shawn filming me asleep when he took my phone and lots of pics of him doing funny stuff. I uploaded all the clips since there was good wifi in Toronto airport.

Shawn stood next to me as we waited, and looked down at me.

"That was a really fun trip, I can't wait for our studio session the day after tomorrow."

"Yeah it's gonna be awesome."

We smiled at each other, but Lars broke the magic with slamming my suitcase down next to me and clapping his hands.

His deep voice resonated loudly around the room.

"All right let's get this show on the road!"

I nodded at Lars, who had a few security guards from the airport with him to get me safely to the car.

"Y/N, wait before you go do you wanna go meet some fans?"

"Sure that would be nice!"

We went outside with Lars and Shawns main body guard to meet some of the fans waiting for us.

We took so many pictures and got filmed a lot, obviously we got asked a few questions like if we were dating which we awkwardly brushed off.

After about 20 minutes Lucy said I really had to get to the hotel now, so I said goodbye to all the fans and Shawn. I had to go quickly so I just quickly hugged him sideways and waved bye to the fans who squealed and loudly said "awww!"

I blushed and got ushered out the airport. A few people handed me food and shouted "ENJOY CANADA!!" to which I replied with "THANK YOUUU!" to which the fans screamed to.

The taxi ride to the hotel went by quickly, since I kept remembering how great the plane ride was and my head was still in the clouds.

at the hotel

I fell back on to my fluffy king size bed and stared up at the ceiling, seriously tired. I decided to make some tea since my throat felt a bit sore ( wink wink lmao jk sorry -M ) from the plane.

I plugged my phone in to my speaker and played some Leon Bridges : Coming Home Album which is my fav album to chill out to.

I was feeling all the good vibes to get me in to songwriting spirit so I would have at least something when Shawn and I sit down to write. I usually plan some lyrics but keep them in the back of my mind so I don't look like a blubbering idiot who can't come up with good lyrics. So when the time comes for me to "brainstorm" with another artist I whip it out acting as if I came up with it on the spot. Life hacks, y'all.

Anyways, I rummaged in my suitcase to try and find my song book to start scribbling down some notes or find something I jotted down a long time ago. I had this book for about 2 years and a lot of it consists of random quotes or people to inspire me and random lyrics I came up with on the toilet.

I flip way back to the beginning of the worn out black moleskin book and scan each page for a good lyric or idea.

the stars, your eyes

Was I on LSD when I wrote that??

clouds look good today, I read a book hooray

Ok actually what the fuck was I on for the first ten pages of this book

at least I'm free suck it bi-

All right so why don't we just skip to the middle because the beginning is horrible, I can't show that to Shawn.

Some days I can't stop thinking about you, other days I wonder why I'm wasting my time

Getting a little better. I decided to go to a new page and draw a mini mindmap of what I thought the song could mean and shit.

I wrote love ( since Shawn writes a lot about that so he could have some ideas in his beautiful mind ) tragedy maybe? Desperation etc..

Leon bridges was making me feel some type of way so I started writing anything that came to mind.

jelly beans. Hot people all around, well this is canada so what do you expect y/n jesus.

I started even writing to myself what the fuck.

Toxic relationships? E.g tried to fix me up but I'm not broken? All I need is space

Now I'm getting somewhere.

After a while, I took a break and looked outside my window. The most beautiful sunset ever was slowly leaving the horizon so I quickly took a picture to send to my parents since I forgot to call them.

Love you guys xx about to go to sleep good night!!

Right before I turned off my phone, Shawn texted me.

S: hey, u up?
You: is this a booty call lmao
S: lol maybe ;)
You: solid
S: how was your day?
You: really great (: again thanks for letting me tag along on this trip
S: no problem! Any plans for tomorrow?
You: not that I know of, but I think we're going sightseeing and I might have a surprise interview.
S: a surprise interview?
You: yeah Rachael likes to surprise me with them about 30 minutes before they begin haha
S: what a savage
You: ikr I still love her thoo

We talked for a bit longer, and then I checked the time. Holy shittt. It was 11pm. But our conversation was still going strong.

You: you should get to sleep, don't you have family to see tomorrow?
S: coffee will help in the morning, rn i just wanna talk to u
You: what an honour
S: sure is

Definitely gonna stay up for him.

young and in love | shawn x readerWhere stories live. Discover now