Chapter 1 planning for Sarada

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Sarada is turning 16 and for her birthday the thing she wanted more than anything was to spar with her dad.

One week before Saduras birthday Sakura and Sasuke talk.

Sakura: "so you know it's your daughters birthday next week."

Sasuke: "yeah do you know what she wants?"

Sakura: she mutters and says "y..y..yes she wants you to teach her."

Sasuke: "she knows I can't right? Besides Naruto is her sensei. Who's better to teach her how to become the Hokage then Naruto."

Sakura: "Sasuke! She just wants your attention! Besides your the only one who can teach her the mangekyou Sharingan."

Saskue chocks

Sasuke: "Sakura I don't want our daughter to go blind like her uncle...

How could she get stronger if she can't see Sakura!"

Sakura: "well at least spar with her on her birthday. It's the least you can do."

Sasuke: "I'll do one better all take her to tablet where it tells us about the origins of the Sharingan. then I will spar with her and see how strong she has become."

Sakura: then hugs Sasuke and she whispers in his ear and says "be careful, and boruto is coming over for her birthday Sadura invited him."

Sasuke: he chokes and thinks about how much they are growing up and thinks to himself wait my student? Then Sasuke says "WHAT!! I don't know what they are up to, but if he even thinks about hurting Sarada, I'll send him to another dimension."

Sakura: you can't stop those two besides they aren't dating. And Sasuke tells sarada you have a special surprise for her on her birthday.

Sasuke: "finnne.

sarada! Come downstairs!"

Sarada: "Yes father...."

Sasuke: "I'm taking you somewhere special for your birthday so make sure you're ready in the morning. And don't worry we'll be home in time for dinner for you're little crush."

Sasuke says in the most teasing voice possible.

Sarada: blush* "eww boruto no way! We are just friends who understand each other because our fathers aren't there for us.."

Sakura: starts yelling "Sarada! How rude don't say things like that to your father!"

Sasuke: "no sakura... She's right I need to stay here for her more. Sarada come with me let's get dinner. "

Sarada: is so shocked and says "okay thank you."

And thinks I can't wait to tell Boruto *blush*

Wow, that was fun writing! Well, anyways next chapter will take place a few days later when Boruto and sarada meet up, and Boruto asks something. I wonder what it will be??? Then chapter 3 will be her birthday. I know my grammar is terrible I just don't have a computer on me right now... so I'm typing on my phone. Anyways I'd love to hear your comments!

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