Saradas and borutos dojutsu chapter 8

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Narrator: another giant flash comes out of borutos eye but this time he was holding Sarada.

Sarada: "Boruto what happened? Your curse mark it's activated again... Please be okay.."
*thinks to herself* (this is exactly what my mom was telling me about how this happened to my dad... why do I have to like someone who's just gonna hurt me..)

Boruto: "Sarada-chan I'm perfectly fine. Hey, why is everything so still? Wait it's happening again?

Sarada:"Again what do you mean?"

Boruto: "It happened on your birthday it's how I mastered fire style so quickly."

Sarada: "How long were you alone last time...."

Boruto: "A few weeks... I'm glad you're with me now though.. I thought I was never going to be able to talk to you again."

Sarada: "I'm sorry I forgive you sweety. Now, what should we do to get out of here."

Boruto: "I was actually thinking maybe we could spend some time together for a bit.."

Sarada: "What the hell! You did this on purpose didn't you!?"

Boruto: "I did not want something like this to happen but you know I can't control it."

Sarada: "okay well we might as well use this time to train. I know I can't learn sage mode but you can. You've already gathered natural energy before without trying too."

Boruto: "Really? And Sara-chan I think you can"

Sarada: "I already tried for 2 years!"

Boruto: "Well maybe you can help gather some for me then we can share the power. You know like we did with your 100 healings seal."

Sarada: "Fine whatever."

Boruto: "Sarada is it okay if I call you Sara? Well, come here *kiss* we can do anything if we do it together. So let's try it.

Sarada: "thanks boruto.. Sorry for being kinda a bitch. It's just I'm always so frustrated you're just able to do almost anything without even trying. You even got my dad to train you.. he never helps me out... *tears up*

Boruto: "Sara I had no I idea.. But I understand I feel the same when you train with my dad. I guess maybe that's why I started really liking you. When my dad became Hokage you were the only one to understand my pain. You know?"

Sarada: "Yes I know babe. Okay, so I'm going to use my Sharingan to help us gather more natural energy."

Boruto: "Wow I feel it! I can even sense your chakra it's so strong Sara-chan."

Sarada: *Whap!*

Boruto: "ow! What was that for!"

Sarada" You gathered too much natural energy!" Thinks to herself (I can't believe he's able to get this far so quick. I trained for a year and a half just to get to this point).

Boruto: "oops this senjutsu thing is kinda hard I guess. Maybe you can help me make it so I don't gather as much?"

Sarada: "I don't know if I can what you just did in an hour took me like a year and a half. I'll try though."

Boruto: "How about this? Since you're better at controlling natural energy and I'm good at gathering it lets hold hands and balance each other."

Sarada: "Pftt you just want an excuse to hold my hand and yeah sounds like a good idea." Sarada thinks to himself (I hate admitting he's right. I guess that's why he's one of the smartest in the hidden leaf).

Boruto: "Great let's start!"

Narrator: Time skip boruto and Sarada have been working on this for weeks again and are finally getting close but, time is still.

Boruto: "Sarada your eyes they look like my dads."

Sarada: "Wow your eyes are the same too I guess we successfully did it!"

Boruto: "perfect I'm going to try this new jutsu I've been trying to do!" (water lighting vanishing Rasengan!)

Sarada: thinks to herself (No way he's trying to combine 3 chakra natures!?)

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