Borutos and saradas love poems

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Hey, guys, this is not a chapter, but this is a poem"Boruto wrote" and it was before he started dating Sarada and now he's thinking about giving it to her.  Please tell me how the poem is ☺

Dear Sarada,

If you cry,
I'll dry your tears
If you're afraid,
I'll comfort your fears
When you need love or compassion,
My heart I'll share,
When you are hurt,
I'll always care,

feel my compassion when we split away,
nothing will make my heart change,
you worry me,
Let me protect you,
When you feel like giving up,
I'll help you cope.

When you are lost,
Or can't see the light.
My heart will be here,
This one I promise till the end,
For you and only you,
My closest friend.

All these letters I have written,
Is how my heart feels for you.
For our hearts,
I hope forever we'll be intertwined.

Because of how Sarada is feeling boruto thinks it will be the perfect time to give it to her. He always has it in his pocket because he never knows the right time to hand it to her.

Because Sarada and boruto started dating she has also begun to write a poem about boruto. I wonder when they will give each other these cute poems.

Dear Boruto,

once not so very long ago I was lost, in the darkness,
A fool wandering around,
plunging into the abyss,

a sliver of light cast down,
Lifted me out of darkness,
Touched me so gracefully amazing,
That's, how I feel,
When I talk to you,

For this short time,
You continued to save me,
Second after second,
A reason to stay,
Feel wanted and love,

I'll find you in my dreams,
You'll always be there,
I'll let you, and only you know,
One day I may fully express
How much you mean to me,
so simple,
I can't put it into words,
The desire I have for you,
Let my words make you feel tears of joy,
My precious soul alive,

Because of you,
Your heart distracts me,
I feel comfort,
It's eternal in my heart,
Like a constant earthquake,
Deep in my soul.

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