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I bit aggressively at the Twizzler that was dangling between my fingertips, struggling to finish the study guide given to me as I brushed a piece of bay hair away from my temple. I highlighted key words with my vibrant yellow highlighter, clicking the top profusely over and over again.

"Meredith..are you um...okay?" Dorian asked, hesitance in her voice as she peered up from her academic textbook. I groaned with tiresome and frustration, chomping off another piece of the Twizzler as I chewed it harshly between my teeth.

"No." I replied glumly, my lips creasing into a frown, "I'm cramming in a study session right now for a huge test that I have tomorrow for history and its just..hard to remember."
She made a faint hissing sound as if I had just burdened her with horrid.
"Yikes. I can't help you there sis. History is my weakest subject." She characterized her face with a sympathetic look as she buried her hand in the bucket of flavored powdered cheese balls she had next to her.

"Aye," She muffled, her mouth full with the cheeseballs she just forced in her mouth, "Maybe use flashcards? - Like if you're trying to remember something by a phrase or date, write it down on flashcards. For instance, one side of the card you put 1918. The other side you put World War I. Then you try to remember World War I by the date. But, it really just depends on what you're studying for I guess." She elucidated, giving advice on my studying tactics. I nodded slowly, thinking thoroughly if I was willing to put much effort into it.

"I'll think about it. Thanks." I responded, chewing on the last bit of the strand of Twizzler I had left.
"Oh, and by the way. You look like a chipmunk." I giggled at her mouth full, her cheeks more prominently round and bulging.

I turned back around to my textbook, analyzing the material before something thumped the back of my head. I heard a chortle emit from the other side of the room as I peered down to see a cheese ball resting on the carpet.
I looked over my shoulder, smothering a threatening chuckle as I sent her a playful warning glare in which she responded back friskily, "I felt offended."


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"Shh." Eva hissed, smothering a giggle as she smuggled a vanilla flavored cake into Sana's compact locker.
"Vilde." I whisper shouted, smacking her with a birthday designed batch of balloons. Vilde was hesitant in this idea of decorating Sana's locker for her birthday. I wasn't.

Noora and female Chris were peeking around the corner of the hallway, keeping watch of when Sana would muzzle her way up here.
I helped Eva tape the balloons on the locker, it framing the mini 'Happy Birthday' that was in the middle.

"She's coming. She's coming!" Noora screeched as she trotted with the heels of her boots clicking against the tiles, alongside female Chris.
I hastily made sure everything was set and ready as we all huddled to surround the decorated locker.
Sana came from around the corner, squinting at us skeptically as she grew closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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