Sis?! - Part 15

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 A/N Idk why I put the video there, I just like the song and it somehow was my insperation for thi chapter :) Also update on my cosplay: they didn't even let me enter the contest, simply because only so many people were allowed to, and I got there one too many peps late. So, yep. 

 Livi No Name PoV

 Following the loud sounds and screams that resonated around the forest, Levi and I were on our way to help our squad.

 The loud sounds continued, and out of the corner of my eye I saw someone coming towards us.

 ''Levi, two o'clock.'' He nodded, both of us landing on a branch and stopping to see who was following us, only for Mikasa to pass us.

 ''Cadet, where are you going?!'' Levi yelled after us as we followed her.

 ''To help Eren, what else would I be doing?'' Nither Levi or I answered, continuing on our way, only for a loud titan scream and a bright flash to be seen and heard.

 ''Eren!'' Mikasa yelled, urging her 3DMG to go faster.

 ''Mikasa calm do-'' I was cut off by more titan screams.

 ''Down.'' I muttered under my breath, finishing my sentence. 

 Then next thing the three of us knew, we were wittnessing Eren being eaten by the female titan.

 ''EREN!'' Mikasa yelled agian.

 ''Stop yelling in my ear.'' I mumbled, only for her to run off ahead. 


 Grumbling under my breath I attempted to follow, only for the manouvor gear to stop working.

 ''Great, of all the times, I run out of gas now!''  I yelled out in frustration.

 ''I order you to stay here, sis.''

 ''It's not like I could follow anyway.'' And with that, my older brother left to go assist Mikasa with her sibling.

 ~~Time Skip~~

 I sat atop my horse once agian with the rest of the scouting legion- which was not a lot of people- waiting for my brother.

 After Levi and Mikasa had gotten back with Eren, all three were injured, and I was stuck walking behind them. On the way back to Erwin, the four of us- or, rather three, considering Eren was unconsious- found the rest of the Levi squad dead. It took all of Levi's strength to get me to move agian.

 Shaking, we made it back to camp, the three of them getting checked out before I went and mounted my horse.

 So here I am, waiting for my brother to get back, still shaking after the sight that I had to expirience. My face showed nothing, but I knew that Levi would be able to tell I was shook up.

 The two of us had a knack at distinguishing the others emotions.

 Just then I heard the soft clop of Firestorm's hoves, and Levi was beside me. Both of us looked to each other, having a small sileint conversation.

 He thought it was his fault.

 I thought it was my fault.

 And the two of us were depressed.

 I was the first to break eye contact, turning to Erwin to get orders. He was also disstressed. The mission had so obiously failed. 

 ''Everyone, back to HQ.'' Boomed Erwin's voice, and all of us began to slowly trot our horses (that makes no sence lol, also, forgive my spelling mistakes plz sempai), brfore going into almost full sprint. 

 I was too lost in my mind to realise that there were titans following us, and many dead bodies were dropped. I was too lost to notice when we came to the gate in wall Rose, too lost to notice walking to my brother's office, and colasping onto his couch. 

 ''-vi, she'll be fine.'' Came my brother's voice, but I payed no mind to it.

 ''I hope she will. We need as many soldiers as we can get.''Erwin.

 ''What do you mean by that! We came back, almost dead, only to find our squad had suffered that fate! What would you have done, not give a-''

 ''H- Heicho?'' A voice cut him off from the other side of the door as it slowly opened to reveal Eren. Brother sighed.

 ''Eren. You should be in the infarmary, shouldn't you?'' 

 ''W-well, I was, no, am, but, umm, I came to check on you and Li- squad leader Livi, and, yeah.''

 ''Eren. We are fine.''

 ''No your not.'' Came a new voice. 

 My voice.

 ''You're not,'' my voice was dull, and had no life to it. I watched his shoulders fall slightly. He was worried and a bit scared at the same time. He must have remembered what happened last time we lost someone important.

 He stood up and limped over to me. I stood up and steped away from him. 

 ''You know as well as I do that your leg is broken.''

 Step closer.

 Step back.

 Step closer.

 Step back. I couldn't stand this.

 And so I didn't.

Step closer.

 I chuckeled. It was deeper than what a normal chuckle would have been.(You mean an evil chuckle? Sorry, I ruiened the moment. Wait, how do you spell ruiened? I've completely mauled the word...)


 ''Sis?! Who are you calling that? I don't see your sister around here. Huh. I guess that means she's gone then. Hah. No Name's back, B*****es!''

His sister (attack on titan Levi sister)*OLD VERWhere stories live. Discover now