Chapter 1

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It was a really hot day and Laura was working as usual she was working with Ben one of her good friends at work so it wasn't to bad.
It was quite a quiet little bookshop lots of little quiet corners to sit and read and just take time out of your day really.
Laura was just putting some books away on the top shop when she heard a voice.
"Need some help there shorty"
She turned round straight away recognising that voice and there stood Tom.
"Ah tom" she immediately swung her arms around his neck she was so excited to see him she hadn't seen him in a few months as he had been working away
"Nice to see you to" he said
She pulled away from him looking him up and down
"Wow someone's been working out" eyed Laura looking him up and down
"All for work but yeh the women love it" he laughed
"How long are you here for?
"I am here for a few weeks staying with my mum"
"Ah brilliant I am about to go on lunch wanna go for a coffee?
"Yep can do anywhere quiet?
"Oh yeh I forget your super famous now hey why don't you just come upstairs where I normally have my lunch no one will be up there"

Tom and Laura sat and had lunch and a chat for an hour he kissed her on the cheek as he left
"See you at my mums later" he shouted

Toms mum was having a few people round for drinks and Laura was going sure her mum and dad would be there to.
As he walked away from Laura she felt this funny butterflies in her stomach she hadn't seen him in ages and he was looking super hot.
She finished work around 5 then went straight home to get showered and ready for tonight's get together she couldn't wait.

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