Chapter 6

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So I had a bath done my hair put on some make up and put on a little black dress with some heels if I didn't say so myself I looked pretty hot. Tom text me

Hey Hun few of us getting a taxi we're swing by yours and get you in 10 minutes xx

10 minutes later I stood waiting outside when a taxi pulled up tom jumped out the back and opened the door he had a massive smile on his face.
"Wow you look hot" he whispered as I got in to the car there was two other guys in the car.
Laura this is Matt and this is Jamie you might remember them back in the day
During the short ride to the bar tom placed his hand on to my leg butterflies were going crazy in my stomach and I felt like I was having a hot flush. What is this man doing to me.

The bar was very busy we sat on a table where a few more of toms mates were sat and all ready drinking there only seemed to be me and one other girl the rest were men.

Me and tom had agreed not to do anything in public just it gets so complicated.
"You ok Hun?
"Yeh I Am good just I don't know anyone so a little awkward"
"I am just going to say hello to a few people then I will come back"
I smiled at him
Tom was mingling with a lot of people but I sat at the table drinking as he did this.

A lot of women were going up to him asking for photos I looked at my watch an hour had passed since tom had been over he was laughing away with people.

I got up and headed to the bathroom I touched up my make up I decided I was going to head home leave tom to it felt like I was cramping his style anyway.

I walked out and walked up to tom
"I am going to make a move leave you to it"
"I just don't know anyone and I have been sat on my own for the last hour it's fine I am not having a go but would just rather be at home"
Tom put his arm around my waist
"I am so sorry I really didn't realise the time I feel well bad "
"It's fine enjoy your night"
"Oh don't go please your looking so god dam sexy tonight look I am finding this hard not being able to just kiss you right now"
"Me to"
"Do you know what I don't care anymore"
He put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me closer in to a deep kiss I felt like the whole world was watching and when we broke away I wasn't really wrong the looks I got off everyone women mostly.
"Tom what did you just do?
He laughed
"I really couldn't be more sure about you your my best friend and I want the whole world to see it to"
I couldn't help but have a big smile on my face we went and sat down and for the rest of the night tom didn't leave my side.

It got to about midnight when me and Tom left getting a taxi back to mine.
We got inside my apartment
"God Laura you were looking so sexy tonight I have really fallen on my feet here"
"Shut up you" laughed Laura
"How about we see what's under that dress" he smirked
"Sit down then" I said gently pushing him on to the sofa
I undid the zip and slowly pushed the dress down to my feet I was wearing black sexy underwear Toms eyes were nearly popping out his head and he shifted his body.
I walked over to him and put one leg either side of him and straddled him
"Your turn" I said as I gestured him to take his top off
He pulled it off over his head I couldn't stop looking at his body his arms were massive.
I bent my head down and started to kiss along his shoulder blade to his neck. He let out a moan as his hands reached over my back and down to my bum.
"Wow Laura your amazing why has it taken me this long to see this"
I nibbled on his ear as he let out more moans and I could feel the excitement in his trousers.
Tom stood up still with me straddling him he was holding me with his big arms he took me in to the bedroom and laid me on the bed as he kissed me all over.


We laid in bed cuddling each other
"That was amazing" I said still in shock at how bloody good that was
"You were incredible Laura god I like you so much, will you be my girlfriend?
I smiled
"Of corse I will"
He smiled and kissed me on the lips
"Night gorgeous" tom said
"Night Hun"

Just friends? Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora