Chapter 12

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It got to 7 in the morning she decided to get up she put her hair up in a loose bun and went and made herself a cup of tea.
Her phone beeped with a message from Ben
"Hope your ok Laura have you seen the internet? The video has been uploaded And its everywhere"
Laura started to shake she picked up her phone she went on to the internet straight away on celebrity news was "tom Hardys  girlfriend attacked" "tom Hardys girlfriend got a right kicking" and there it was the video look slid down the kitchen cabinet crying just then her phone started to ring it was Tom, she couldn't answer she let it ring off but straight away he rung again and again.

Laura please answer

Laura answered his 20th call
"Oh thank god laura are you alright?
All he could hear was Laura crying down the phone
"Laura put it on FaceTime so I can see you"
Laura switched it over to face time where she could see Toms face
Laura had her hand over her face
"Come on Laura let me see you"
Laura removed her hand Tom could see her swollen bruised face
"Oh my god Laura" he had his hand over his mouth and he started pacing the room he was in.
"Fucking hell, Laura I saw the pictures of the attack"
"You didn't see the video then? Sobbed Laura
"There's a video? I will call you back make sure you answer"
He hung up

Toms POV
Soon as I hung up I went back on to the internet and saw the video 10 whole minutes it was I sat there and watched my girlfriend be viciously attacked. Tears fell from my eyes I couldn't believe it I stood up walking over to where my punch bag was and started to punch at it over and over again I was so angry.

Laura POV
15 minutes Later Tom rung Laura was sat on the sofa she answered his call
"Babe i will be home in 2 days"
"What about filming?
"I have finished it is just final bits today I am not staying on for the wrap party"
"Tom dot rush home for me honestly I will be fine"
"Well you don't look fine to me, have you told your mum and dad?
"No, there away on a cruise I really don't want to bother them"
"Right then I am ringing my mum getting her to come round"
Tear fell from Laura's eye
"Babe you need to report this, have you been to the hospital?
Laura shook her head
"Please go get checked out"
"I really don't want any negative press for you this isn't fair on you any of this"
"You can shut right up now Laura don't talk about that I couldn't give a shit what people talk about all I care about is you"
Laura wiped her eyes
"This is the second time this has happened to me Tom... maybe I am not cut out to be a celebrity girlfriend"
"Please don't talk like that Laura your everything to me"
"Something's telling me I am just not good enough for you"
Tears fell down Toms face
"Please Laura I will be home in 2 days I am sending my mum round"
"I have got to go" Laura hung up and broke down crying within 10 minutes there was a knock at the door sue was there
"Oh Laura" she embraced her in a hug
"First things first were calling the police"
2 police officers turned up within an hour and took a statement off Laura also taking pictures of her injuries. She took her own pictures and why the police were talking to her she sent them to Tom.
"Oh Tom look what they have done to her she looks like a broken women" said Sue
I can't bear to look at them I am so angry right now I could kill them I can't loose her mum I love her so much"
I will look after her till your back I will make her come stay with us she will be fine.

She took Laura to get checked out at the hospital she had two broken ribs a very swollen face and cuts.
Laura laid on the bed she was sleeping in the spare room and Toms parents they had been so lovely to her.
Laura got a text from Tom
Babe I have a flight first thing in the morning your time I will be with you by tomorrow evening I love you so much

Laura replied
I love you to I can't wait to see you your mum has been amazing she took me to the hospital I have two broken ribs nothing they can do just got to rest so they can heal

Awww babe I just want to look after you love you

Laura had a relaxing day and was well looked after by Sue.
Laura browsed the internet Tom had posted a picture of the two of them on his instagram and put god I miss this girl so much the haters can keep hating but they will never win I love this girl more then anything I love you beautiful
Laura smiled there was so many comments of her well and sympathy to what happened.

Laura drifted off to sleep she couldn't wait to see Tom tomorrow but also she really didn't know what to do about everything should she stay with Tom and get through all this ignore everyone else or does she end things now but then risk loosing Tom all together which she just could face.

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