Chapter 4

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It has been a couple of weeks since Alice left.

Laura POV

I was running when my phone rang I answered out of breath it was Tom.

Hi tom you ok? I puffed

You ok Laura you sound out of breath?

I am fine been for a run just out of breath

Ah ok you up to much later fancy pizza at yours?

"Yes sounds good come round mine anytime after 7

"Brilliant are you then bye

I hung up and finished my run soon as I got back it was 6pm I jumped in the shower to freshen up I put on some lacy matching underwear. it was really warm today.
I poured my self a glass of wine when the door went. Oh crap that must be Tom I grabbed a towel putting it over the front of me as I answered the door to him.
"Hey tom sorry not fully dressed" I laughed
"That's ok no worries" he smiled
I turned my back on him full well knowing he could see me from behind in my lace underwear and walked to my room.


As Laura walked away from me I saw the back of her she was wearing black matching Lacey underwear and wow she looked hot i never really looked at her like that but what was not to like her body was amazing and the underwear was really sexy.

Laura POV

I went and put some shorts and vest top on

"Sorry about that"
"It's alright here brought some drinks round"

Tom handed me a cider I took a big sip
"Thank you I needed that"

We went and sat on the sofa we got comfy and faced each other chatting.
"Do you know that my parents always wanted us to get together when we were younger" laughed tom
"Yep and mine he's such a nice boy...he's so lovely" mimicked Laura
He tickled her laughing
She took another sip of drink
"You know what I actually fancied you...
"Really? When?
"Oh crap shouldn't of said anything"
"No go on tell me....
"Oh it was years ago now... then you became famous and well I thought my chances had dropped"

Laura downed the rest of her drink and got up to her another one.
"Why would you think your chances have dropped me being famous?
"Well your mixing with a lot of her famous people rich beautiful pretty women"
I walked back and sat next to tom.
"Why would that matter? Your beautiful and pretty"
"Ahh thanks Hun"
"Wish you had told me before.... I quite fancied you to?

I nearly spat my drink out
"Really? What when you have the pick of the bunch of gorgeous women"
"Yeh not only are you gorgeous but your my best friend I know you more then anyone and you know me better then anyone does"
I couldn't help but smile.

Just then toms phone starting ringing he moved away to talk.
"Sorry Laura I am going to have to go beach tomorrow?
"Yes definitely meet you there 10"
Tom gave me a kiss on the cheek and left.
I cleared up got in my pjs and decided to go to bed and read a book my phone beeped it was a message from tom.

I meant what I said your gorgeous and yes I still fancy you. I would do anything for you x

Wow I was surprised I really didn't think he would like me like that he rubs shoulders with some gorgeous women I was shocked if he liked me.
I decided to reply

Thank you Hun that means a lot you are pretty hot always thought that and I would always do anything for you x

I placed my phone down and went to sleep with the biggest smile on my face ever.

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