Chapter 13

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Laura woke up she was in quite a bit of pain.
She knocked on the door and walked in
"Here love I got you a cup of tea"
"Thank you I will come downstairs in a minute I am in a bit of pain"
"I will get you some pain killers"
"Thank you so much for everything Sue you have been amazing"
"It's fine as long as your ok, you and Tom are ok he loves you so much his flight lands at 4 Richard (toms dad) he's picking him up from the airport"
Laura smiled
Richard left for the airport at 3 Laura sat on the sofa watching tv. She was so excited to see Tom it had been ages.
A couple of hours had passed the door creaked open and the sound of loud men talking filled the air.

Tom dropped his suitcase down and went straight over to Laura sitting next to her he put his hand on the back of her neck and kissed her
He broke away taking a look at her face now yellow bruises and a black eye. Tears formed in Toms eyes
"Oh sweetheart I am so sorry I wasn't here"
He took her hand
Laura started to cry
"I missed you" sobbed Laura
He rubbed her face his forehead was touching hers
"I missed you so much I am here now I Am going to look after you" he kissed her again
"Tom there is something I need to tell you" Laura said as she fiddled with her hands
"What is sweetheart?
"2 of the people that did this were men... one of them was the journalist the same guy that pushed me before he mentioned Alice when he followed me he obviously hangs around with her"
Toms eyes changed and he was proper pissed off
"I am just going to grab a drink" tom said as he got up walking in to the kitchen where his parents were he rested his hands on the kitchen counter with his head down
"You alright son? Richard asked
"Not really this close to finding the people that did this to see how they like to be kicked and punched constantly"
"Look Tom the best thing you can do is be there for Laura if you start going off round punching people your loose everything"
"Yeh I know Dad it just makes me so angry"
"I know it does and it shows you really care for Laura never seen you like this about any women you have been with"
"I really love her Dad"
His dad gave him a big hug

Tom walked back in to where Laura was he handed Laura a cup of tea
"Thanks Hun"
He sat down next to her
"Let me look at your stomach" tom said as he gently lifted her top up slightly she was very bruised
"It's worse then it looks" Laura said
"You have broken ribs you really need to rest and not do anything"
"I haven't been your mum has been looking after me"
He kissed her on the top of her head

"I can take you back home if you like I can stay with you"
Laura looked up at him looking in to his gorgeous eyes
"Yeh I would like that... how about you don't just stay for a little bit.. but you move in?
Tom had a massive smile on my face
"I would love that very much" he kissed her softly slowly entering his tongue into her mouth.

They broke away as toms mum and dad walked in
"Mum, dad me and Laura are going to be moving in together"
Sue smiled
"I am so happy for you both" she smiled with such happiness
"Really happy for you both so glad Tom has you Laura your such a lovely lady he's very lucky" Richard said
Laura smiled tom looked at her grinning
"He's right I am so lucky, are you sure about this? tom asked
"I have never been so sure in all my life your my soul mate and I just can't believe it's taken me this long to see"
"Well we're just have to make up for lost time won't we" grinned Tom giving her a kiss

3 weeks had passed

"Where are we going Tom? I asked
He had blindfolded me and taken me in the car
"I told you it's a surprise it isn't far and your going to love it"
He rubbed his hand gently on my leg
"Your making me nervous"I smiled
Within 10 minutes the car came to a stop and tom got out the car he opened my side of the car and helped me step out
"Can I take this off yet?
"Just a second come this way"
Tom took my hand and led me forward a few spaces
"Right now you can"
He lifted the blindfold off Laura's eyes infront of her stood a very modern new large house with a big sold sign outside I looked at Tom
"I don't understand"
"Welcome to our new home" smiled Tom
Tom held out some keys handing them to Laura
"This is all ours babe"
Laura let out a little excited scream
"Oh my god are you joking"
"No go on go and have a look inside"

Laura and Tom looked around it had 3 bedrooms a large kitchen diner a nice living space and a few extra little rooms. The garden was lovely and looked out on to a lake.
Laura threw her arms around Tom and kissed him passionately.

"You are just so amazing Tom I couldn't be happier"

"Right well we better start moving our stuff in then" smiled Tom

Tom and Laura spent the next few days moving there stuff in to the new house Laura was still in shock that he had done this for them.

Laura was sat at the breakfast bar having a cup of tea.
Tom stood the other side of the counter leaning forward taking one of her hands in his.
"It's the premier for the new film on Saturday please come with me"
"I don't know if that's a good idea everyone probably hates me"
"Don't be so stupid Laura I want to show everyone that we are a solid couple and we're not afraid of people"
Laura let out a little smile
"I want people to see how much I love you how beautiful you are" tom said as he kissed her hand

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