Chapter 15

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The next day Tom and Laura were having breakfast in the hotel restaurant quite a few people kept looking over recognising Tom.
Tom placed his hand on top of Laura's she looked up to his eyes.

"You ok? Asked Tom
"Yes I am fine I got you I couldn't be better"
"I wish you could stay with me the next couple of days"
"I got to work babe" Laura said
Tom gave a sad face
Laura's phone began to ring she looked At her phone
" it's Ryan"
"Your brother Ryan?
Laura nodded

She picked up the call and walked out the restaurant. 5 minutes later she came back to the table where Tom was.

"Everything ok? Asked Tom
Laura's brother Ryan was in the army and has been deployed in Iraq for the past 9 months he knew absolutely nothing that had been going on till he got back to England and back at base camp, where Laura's dad and told him everything

"Yeh come on lets walk back to the room, my dad has just obviously told him everything that has been going on he's pretty furious he's on leave for a few weeks so he is heading home"
"What did he say about us?
"He's really happy for us but he just wants to beat the shit out of that James...
"Well saves me a job" joked Tom
Laura pressed the button in the loft to go back up to the room. She gave him a look
"He's deadly serious tho Tom he will"

They walked back to there room and Laura began to pack her things
"I wish you were staying, don't go give up your job you don't need to work...
"Of course I do Tom I do like to pay my way even tho it's nothing what you get but I enjoy my job"
He smiled and watched her as she packed her things away.
"Right I am all set, I will see you in a couple of days" Laura kissed him on the lips.

With one big swoop Tom lifted her up so she was straddled him and pushed her against the wall she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing her passionately. He let out a little moan as he had his hands firmly held on to her bum holding her up.

There was a knock at the door

"Tom it's Alex are you ready we got to leave" he shouted through the door

Tom let out a sigh as he put Laura down on the floor.
Laura straightened herself out and led them both out the room where Alex was standing.

"You going to be alright catching the train let me pay for you to get a taxi"

"No it's fine honestly I like the train"
"Stay safe and message me when your home"

Laura blew him a kiss as she walked out the hotel.

Within an hour of Laura being home there was a knock at he door and it was Ryan she threw her arms around him he gave her a massive hug
"Oh sis I am sorry I haven't been here"
Laura broke down crying
"Come in I will tell you everything"
Ryan was 5 years younger then Laura but he was tall and big built so he always acted like her big brother.

After a couple of hours talking Laura had told him everything.

"I am back for a it now what you say we hit the town tonight like old times"
He nudged her
"Go on then"
"Yes I will come back here for you at 7"
"Ok looking forward to it"
"Few of my mates might come to hope you don't mind"
"No course not"

Ryan left the house and Laura decided to have a nice bath and pamper her self for a few hours before going out.

Tom text Laura

T- hey babe you ok? Xx
L- yeh all good just getting ready I am off out with Ryan and a few of his mates tonight xx
T-ok stay with Ryan please I love you xx
L- love you to xx

Ryan came by at 7 and then went for some food then on to a bar where they met some of his mates.
"Ryan you didn't tell me you had a fit sister" one of his mate max said
"Sorry mate she is taken, by Tom Hardy"
"Shut up" he laughed
"Yes so don't try anything on"
He gave Laura friendly hug


I laid on the hotel bed looking at my phone at the pictures of me and Laura god I loved that woman. Just then a text came through.

Did you know your girlfriend is having it away with someone else. I would never do that to you call me Alice

Attached was a picture of Laura and a guy hugging they looked pretty happy.
I came out of it and went in to my contacts and failed Laura's number after a few rings she picked up it was quite noisy she mumbled a few words then it went quiet.

"Thats better I have just come outside it's really noisy in there you ok? Laura asked
"Not really just had a text come through and a picture of you and some guy hugging said you were all over each other"
"What? I am with my brother and a few of his mates nothing has happened"
"Well that's not what the text said or the picture looks"
" who sent the text?
"That don't matter?
"Who sent the text" Laura said starting to get angry
"Oh right so your going to believe her over me thanks a lot"
Laura hung up

Laura POV
Laura put her phone in her pocket and walked back in to the bar tears starting to prick her eyes.
She walked up to Ryan
"Ryan I am going I will see you tomorrow"
Laura started to walk away but he pulled her back
"Laura what's up?
"I just want to go home call me tomorrow"
Tears started to fall down her face as she walked away.

Ryan followed her outside he put his arm around her as he walked her over to a bench Laura explained what had happened.

"I will call him tell him nothing has happened"
"No don't bother the fact he believes her over me god she is always going to be there she is never going to leave us alone, I am going home"
"Here take this money get a cab" Ryan called a cab over
"Get some sleep I will call you in the morning"

Laura drove off in the taxi with tears flowing down her face she couldn't go on like this.

Hope everyone is enjoying it was having a bit of a writers block 🙁

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