Chapter 16

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The next day Laura was working she sat eating her lunch out the back a text came through from  Tom

I am sorry I jumped at you last night I don't know what came over me with Alice messaging me it made me really paranoid xx

Laura sat there for a few minutes wondering if she should reply she decided to.

I think we need to talk when your home

She turned her phone off and went back to work. She locked the shop up at 5. She walked back to her car unlocking the door she had her hand on the car door when suddenly someone pushed the door shut but part of hand was still in the door she screamed out in pain.

She turned round to see Alice and James laughing Laura was in agony.
"What did you do that for?
"I think your starting to get the hint now to leave Tom alone, he was texting me back last night think we got some trust issues there." Laughed Alice
Alice looked at James and nodded he swung his arm up and hit Laura in the face making her fall to the ground hitting the car as she fell.

Alice and James ran off Laura couldn't move she was in a lot of pain she must of been laying there for a good half hour when someone spotted her.

"Stay still love the ambulance is on its way"
Laura started to drift out of consciousness

The next thing Laura knew she opened her eyes in the hospital.
"Hello you ok I am nurse Amy your in the a and e department
"I have just got a headache"
"I am not surprised with the bruise on your face"
Laura looked down and her hand was bandaged up.
She went off out the room and within minutes came back.
"You have a visitor"

In walked Ryan and Tom both giving her a hug

"Oh Laura I can't believe what they have done" Tom said
"I am actually going to kill them" Ryan said quite angry

Tears fell down her face
"I can't do this anymore Tom we can't be together, I can't suffer any more I can't live like this"
Laura broke down in tears Tom cradled her in his arms
"I love you so much I can't let you go"
"You have to look at me I am a mess, I can't do this anymore"
"I want to protect you and look after you" sobbed Tom
"But you can't it's not realistic you can't be my minder all the time I don't want this any more then you do but we have to"

Tom wiped his eyes and stormed out
Ryan grabbed hold of Laura's hand
"Your really brave I will go talk to him"

Ryan stood next to Tom who was sat on the chair with his head in his hands.

"I know she's right but I love her so much I don't want to be with any one else"
"I know mate maybe after some time apart things will cool down and your get back together"
"I can't live without her"

Tom walked back in to the room he pulled a hair up beside the bed.
He held on to her hands
"I love you more then anything else in this world I really want you to be happy and I really don't want you to get hurt in anyway, I know your right maybe some time apart things will calm down maybe the police will have more to go on, you never know"
Tears fell from both there eyes Tom wiped her tears with his fingers and pecked her on the lips.

"I love you Laura"
He stood up and started to walk out the door he turned and looked at her
"I love you to Tom"
Tom then walked out putting his cap on and walking out of the hospital.

Ryan came in to the room where Laura was and embraced her in to a hug as she cried on his shoulder.

"Come on your coming home with me"
"Where are you staying?
"I am renting an apartment it has 3 beds so plenty of space your not going to be on your own in a time like this"

Within a few hours they were back at Ryan's apartment.

Over the next few days Laura just stayed in didn't go out and hardly ate anything.
She couldn't help but go on to Toms Instagram
Theist picture he put up there was just one of him and a dog loads of people commented. He had so many fans I scrolled through the comments and what a surprise comments from Alice.
Now your a single man 😜
Text me you won't be lonely for long
I knew you would see sense with that slag

I wiped a few tears away I sat on the couch watching a film snuggled under a blanket my phone beeped I picked it up off the coffee table. My heart started racing when I noticed toms name on the screen I clicked in and opened the message........

I miss you so much

Tears pricked her eyes

I miss you to

Hope everyone is still liking it 😊

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