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Tyler POV.

I nervously pull on my oversized sweater desperately trying to cover myself up from my own actions how could I have been so careless why didn't I lock the damn

I would be gone and not having to deal with overly concerned rehab facility workers if it wasn't for my little sister.

My little sister caught me slitting my wrists and then drowning myself and now I'm stuck in this stupid rehab facility for who knows how long.

We finally get to a lady who tells my mother everything will be okay and that I'm safe here "like I could be safe anywhere" I think to myself

My mother finally leaves and the lady who told my mother everything was alright instructed me to my therapist Doctor Way a very handsome man with vibrant red hair who asks useless questions such as "What drove you to such an action" and "do you feel any regret " of course I say " yes I regret not locking the bathroom door" to which Doctor Way made a face and scolded me for having an attitude.

He explained the rules that we're

1. No touching other patients

2. No interpatient relationships

3. Outside priviliges and other priviliges can be taken away as easily as they are given


We finally finish with that and Doctor Way calls in a boy named Brendon to take me to my room the boy has Raven hair and a rather large forhead he brings me to my room and tells me dinner is in two hours and invites me to sit with him since he is one room down I gladly accept sine I'm not very good at making friends 

I go into my room and lay on the bed immediately falling into a deep sleep

This is my first ever fanfiction and I'm really nervous so please leave your comments and suggestions and I promise I will read them
Stay safe  stay alive my lovelies
Love Becky

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