Part 11:A

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Tyler POV
"Finally some god damn relief," I whisper to myself as I feel the dark red running down my arms and legs. Now let me explain why there is blood all over me. Well in the simplest terms when we found Patrick and the others I might have taken a blade from the floor when no one was looking, and I've just been waiting for an opportunity. And now, sitting on the shower floor with the water rushing the blood away I finally feel some peace. Although, I know they'll come looking for me soon I can feel it, but I honestly don't care right now because hopefully by the time they find me it will all be over...god would that be a relief. To be away from the constant depression and ptsd to be away from all of this pain that I go through that no one sees or cares about. God would that be nice. But for now I'm just here covered in my own blood.

Josh's pov
"JOSH" accompanied by the sound of heavy panting and footsteps is all I hear before brendon comes rushing up to me "what is it, what's wrong" I ask him without skipping a beat he replies "It's Tyler" and we both take off running to his room "what the fuck happened dude?" I ask semifrantic "I don't know all I know is that joe and Andy came up to me telling me something was up with Tyler and I took off to find you". "Fuck" is the only thing I can muster. Before long we end up at his door, brendon starts to knock before I interrupt him with a simple "we don't have time for your polite ass shit" I turn the doorknob and luckily it's unlocked "damn it's a good thing he's bad about locking doors" I chuckle, for a moment forgetting about the whole situation, but I automatically snap back to reality(oop there goes gravity...sorry I had to) and rush through the door and into the bathroom to find my baby on the floor covered in blood and what looks to be unconscious. Without thinking I turn to brendon and mutter "go get help...NOW" he nods and rushes out of the room as I cradle Tyler to my chest, a big fuck you to the no touching rule, whispering "please don't die please I can't handle anymore loss"

Brendon POV

White hot tears fall down my face as a search to find help...I can't believe this is happening...I thought he was doing better I thought he was gonna be ok but now I know that I shouldn't have assumed. Right then I see a nurse and sprint over to her hoping she can help. When I get to her she immediately starts to ask me questions as if I'm the one that's in trouble. I quickly interrupt her with "please I'm not important right now my friend Tyler, tyler Joseph, is in serious trouble he's been hurt" her additive quickly changes as she starts to follow me through the halls to his room. We finally arrive and she sees the scene, with a look of horror on her eyes she pulls Tyler from joshs arms and whispers "it's gonna be ok trust me we will help him" she then leaves the room and heads to god knows where. I look at josh and immediately collapse in his arms with a humongous sob "why why does this have to happen josh why?" I sob out he quiet as a mouse answers "I don't know"

So guys part 1 of 3 is finally up and running I decided to split it up into three parts because I thought it would just make more sense and also so I wouldn't be so stressed. But basically I'm Shane Dawson so like yeah but part 2 will be up soon I don't know the exact date but yeah so leave comments please I really enjoy reading them

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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